
The Warlock Scrolls [TWS]

Founded By:lonewolf2 Founded On:01APR21 17:27

After many years of fighting in wars.. i decided to head to my homeland but that was going to be a long trip  and after many weeks of travel i stopped for a drink at a tavern... but as i was leaving i was attacked and was left for dead in the woods ... after many hours of laying and bleeding to death and thinking i would never make it home i felt a hand touch me and tru the blood and sweat i seen a little old lady standing over me looking down at me and shaking her head .. she took out a vail  and held it up to my mouth and said take a small sip afterwords i do not remember anything untill i woke up days later .. i did not know where i was or how i got here but i was alive ... it was very dark and all i could see was a faint candle lite and a small fire in a fireplace as i look around i could see no windows and only one vary small door ... i was trying to get up when i heard a  sound and had to look hard to see what it was .. it was a vary small lady looking at my scrolls by the candle and i said ples be very carefull those can be very dangerous and she said yes i know what they are and i see your awake .. plees come here and get you a bowl of food i have here .. it not much but it will keep you alive and will help you get stronger .. as i ate i was looking at her she was vary small and i ask how i got here and she said i carried you here ... i said that impossible your not big enough to carry me and she just looked at me and i seen something there that iv never seen before .. i saw a power in her eye that i will never forget .. i ask her what her name was and she said Grecene...i ask her where i was and she just said that dont matter your here and your alive ... then she ask me where i got the scrolls and i told her i killed a evil warlock who was terrorizing villages and he had then so i really did not get any payment for killing the evil warlock i was told about the scrolls and was told they was vary dangerous but was worth alot of gold so i figured id sell them to the highest bidder when i got back to my homeland and she looked at me with amazement and said you have nop idea what you have here do you and i said not really ... she said with these you could rule the world and i just thought she was a batty old witch .. everyday she would study the scrolls and one day day she said please come with me outside i want to show you something  .. she showed me a simple spell as she said some words i have never heard she made a rock turn from brown to green to red ... she said she would teach me all about the scrolls but only if i did it to help people and to never use them for evil and she looked into my eyes and she knows i could never be evil to anyone and from that day on we help those in need and help the helpless and protect the weak and we started a small village and its getting bigger all the time and will are still learning the scrolls and helping all who ask and need our help so ples feel free to ask for our help and join our small villages and help us grow it into a mighty empire 

