
Moriquendi [Dark]

Founded By:THE BORG Founded On:15FEB21 17:55


We are recruiting new members

For Recruiting information, please contact Elthrand or Ulwarth

We will be a 100% Faction Play ALLIANCE, and we are recruiting specifically Dark Elves to join our cause. 



Burz elves.  Sigurz forgotten

Excerpt from 'The Elves of Illyria', by the now-retired Council of Illyria diplomat, Rannir D’Quanon

Many might just look upon these Moriquendi as just as an other faction of Elves. However they could not be more wrong. These elves are viewed by most of the other elves as exiles, abominations, and criminals. These Dark Elves have  "lost everything of purity in their souls" and are one of great scourges that exist in Elgea and the Broken Lands, according to the Elves of the Light.

Of course the Dark Elves see this very differently. For one reason or the another these elves were shunned by their kin. Be it because of their appearance, their crimes, their heritage, their faith or their actions. These shunned elves were forced to retreat to the dark corners of the woods. It was in these dark corners of the forests that these shunned elves really started to differ from their fellow kin. While the other Quendi held feasts, balls and sang hymms and chants to their trees, the shunned elves learned the true nature of the world. They saw how cruel and the world really was. How wolves hunted down fawns without mercy and tearing them apart. Only to leave the carcass to rot. How deer would kill each other over food. How squirrels and snakes would fight each other till their death. How insects would eat their own kind to survive. The Quendi and Calaquendi could get everything they wanted with ease and so grew arrogant and thought themselves above the rest. Causing them to start claiming resources that were not theirs as their own all because of their invented social hierachy based on lineage. Meanwhile the shunned elves were presented with the dark and cold reality of the world and decided to embrace its darkness. With doing so they strayed form what the other Quendi would call the righteous path and the shunned elves became the Moriquendi. These Dark Elves decided that the other Elves should be shown the error of their ways and to be taught that the world was filled with cruelty and misery. They will do so in an eye-for-eye exchange untill the Quendi and Calaquendi are blind and stumbling through this dark and cruel world.

One would think these Dark Elves would be an isolated faction of elves. However once again you would be wrong. During one of my meetings with a group of Moriquendi I noticed a human among their ranks. Apparently the Moriquendi's way of thinking finds some resonance among humans, especially among wild humans and barbarians.


Tolkien said that in his earliest conception, the Dark Elves were "imagined as wandering about, and often ill-disposed towards the 'Light-Elves'". Later he considered an additional use of the term: "sometimes applied to Elves captured by Morgoth and enslaved and then released to do mischief among the Elves." He thought that this latter idea should be taken up for Eöl.[4]




Inactivity will not be tolerated in this alliance. If you are joining this alliance, expect to use and lose troops. This will not be a crafter and trader alliance. Our focus will be on using our troops.  If you disagree with this then please find yourself another alliance. 

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