
Hagane Mercanaries C [MERC]

Founded By:Cyro Founded On:15DEC20 15:21




That is right my lord. we are mercenaries that formed our own nation to line our pockets with gold.Will we fight for you? Sure if you pay us the right amount of gold we will do what needs to Be done. No we are not your noble knights or farmers boys you hire for your regular armies.We are cold blooded killers who only care about earning gold and spending that same gold. So the real questions are what do you need done and how much you willing  to pay my lord?


We are a faction play alliance that only cares about lining our pockets with gold preferably from happy customers and there foes gold if we can help it. All outside faction play mercenary work Is done by individual players and not promoted by the alliance. The players that do so are there own RISK!


We accept new players and will help you start your cities out by helping with resources and A few other neat tricks. We are competitive alliance in both faction play and in game events and any event we join we play to win so help us get the Job done so we all get paid. Also unlike a lot of other faction play factions we accept all races and all we ask is for you to build Your company and make a profit.


We respect the 10 square rule and will enforce it for our cities as well. If one of our members breaks this curtesy please message me and I will see what I can do to fix it.


In the public alliance forum page you can find a list of the different Mercenary companies available for hire. Makes sure to read their specialties in advance when you are considering hiring them for A task.



1.Always keep our contract promises.

2.Do not get drawn into bickering in global and act in a shameful way.

3.5 day inactive limit unless alerted leadership.

4.No internal fighting.

5.Obey faction play rules.




Duke-vice leader

Count-Region leader

Earl- Officer

Baron- Vet player

Knight-New Player


If there are any issues please contact a Count or up. The king is on at least every 12 hours almost without fail

And is always avaible to help with anything you should need help with.

