
The Dark Tower [Ta2in]

Founded By:Snagglepuss Founded On:25OCT20 03:14



Warmongers-The Dark Tower-Ta2in


  • In honor of Ten Kulch

  • Tapping into the Spirit of the Thunderdome

  • Continuing the quest for honorable PVP play throughout Illyriad

  • If you love the tournaments but wish for a greater challenge than the standard King of the Hill competition?



Welcome to The Dark Tower

Warmongers-TDT is an alliance created to enable all who wish to practice the art of war to do so without fear of being newb ringed. (Consider it the tournament or faction play on steroids.) What rules we have are listed below:

  1. Warmongers -TDT only practices war with other alliances. Unaffiliated players, or players in peaceful alliances who wish to participate are free to join The Tower or their competition temporarily if they’d like to engage in an exercise.
  2. Due to march times, The Dark Tower will only engage in exercises with alliances in Elgea. Depending on the reception, a BL edition may be added.
  3. All war exercises will last exactly one month unless one side or the other surrenders before the month is up. No surrender terms will be demanded from either side. The reward is the knowledge and experienced gained. If your alliance would like a longer timeframe that could be negotiated.
  4. War exercises can be total war, cats, rams, and all diplomats, or limited as in war of the walls. All parameters are negotiable. Our preferred options are as follows but feel free to offer alternatives.  
  5. Option 1-The competing alliance can choose Total War. Any player participating can have a city razed. (If this option is chosen-no player can lose more than one city per wargame.)
  6. Option 2- Sieges from both sides will be maintained until the “Raze/Capture” population of a city is reached. (If this option is chosen and the population of a city has reached the raze point, the combatant must rename the city with a -Razed suffix for the remainder of the conflict. For example, “Ravenwood-Razed.” Also, once a player has had a city razed, he must add the moniker “NC” suffix (Non-Combatant) to the rest of their cities, so they do not become targets.
  7. Before the exercise begins, all alliance members must decide if they will participate or not. If a player decides to participate, all cities are possible targets. No cherry-picking allowed.
  8. If a player in a competing alliance does not wish to participate, they must rename their cities with the NC, or “Non-Combatant” suffix or risk being attacked. Players that begin the exercise with NC cities can send basic supplies to their alliance comrades but cannot participate in any other way.
  9. Once the exercise begins, only players that have lost a city, or lost pop to raze possibility, can rename their cities.
  10. Players in an alliance cannot remove the NC from their cities and join in the exercise once it has begun. Please plan accordingly. Before the exercise begins, all participating players will be exchanged between alliance leadership.
  11. Warmongers-TDT will accept any temporary player that wishes to engage in a war exercise if their main alliance is not interested. Please send an igm to Snagglepuss or Meat Puppet.
  12. Warmongers-TDT reserves the right to terminate any exercise if they deem an alliance is not following these simple rules.
  13. Warmongers-TDT will engage only one alliance at a time, and once per quarter. reserve your spot today. Upcoming competitions will be listed below.


Our first event is tentatively planned for the end of Summer or the beginning of Fall 2022. If your alliance would like to schedule a competition, please contact Snagglepuss or Meat Puppet. Oorah!

If you are interested in joining The Dark Tower Alliance, please contact Snagglepuss, Meat Puppet or Myannia.

  And still our Alliance Mascot, courtesy of Eoqan the Orc










