
Cult of the Red Moon [CULT]

Founded By:Shaitana(Pending Deletion) Founded On:28MAR10 16:55



This is the continual story of the Cult of the Red Moon...


 (maximise the sound of your headset)

Check here for more info in the future...

The Cult of the Red Moon

A mythical sect which is said to be thousands of years old, going back to the very beginning of this world.

No one really knows what they are about, though worship of old pagan Gods is suspected.

Rulers in the past have tried to extinguish this Cult, forbidding the worshipping of these elder Gods, but every time the Cult kept coming back, re-organising themselves in the shadows. 

Religious crusades performed by many of the so-called civilised nations of the world, guided by their weak and civilised Gods, who greatly feared the old pagan Gods, temporarily reduced the Cult's influence time and time again... but strength can NOT be denied.

And now, in the frozen wastelands of the North, where only the hardiest and strongest of tribes can last, and even thrive, the Cult of the Red Moon has once reared it's head.

Orcs, Dark Elven, Dark Dwarves, and Humans serving the pagan Elder Gods once again come to serve under one common banner. Ogres and Wulpor joining their cause, mighty hordes of Warriors dedicated to the Gods of the Blood Moon are slowly massing...

Can King Sigurd stop this tidal wave, or will the true Gods finally reign supreme?


So how do we join your cool alliance?

Funny you should ask, well first off all we prefer new players who can still teleport to the regions we claim as our homelands.

And which regions would that be?

Ah, another good question, you sure are a smart fellow I can tell! Well our official homelands are the regions around the Ogre hubs from the faction known as Drangu Mundas, and in the regions around the Wulpor hubs from the faction known as Foshnu ob Wulpor. Perhaps you have noticed those 2 are befriended?

No I didn't, how exciting! I suppose those will be the two factions you're alliance wishes to befriend in the long run?

Correct again! You have almost won the Orcish diswasher manned/run by Elven and Dorven slaves! See we intend to roleplay just a little by sticking a bit to some form of story line, and in this case, we will represent the somewhat darker elements of this society, such as Orcs, and any of the other races which are attracted to this darker side of the game. So we also include Dwarves, Elves and Humans!

Now please though, do not start teleporting to that area without consulting us first. You might teleport to a spot which is actually not that good for you, or you might teleport to a spot which it would have been better to built a new town on. So consult with us first please and we will explain!

Ok, so... any special rules to that alliance of yours?

Yes, we only build in our areas of intrest, so around the Ogre and Wulpor hubs, and we have one last final rule...

You are about to join this alliance fully aware that we claim a certain area, if you chose to leave us, we WILL remove you from this region so no other alliance has easy access through you, to this region. We WILL even/also compensate you for that loss... this rule will also be on the public forums so you will know what you've gotten yourself into! So don't ever bother to complain should you find yourself under siege by our forces because YOU decided to leave! 

By popular demand we have canceled this last rule...  wink

Having said all that, we intend to be a very active alliance, so we expect everyone to be online at least ones every 5 days but foremost we just intend to have fun in this game, so why not join us? angel
