
Warmonger Links [WAR]

Founded By:Djehuti the Silent Founded On:24DEC18 04:13 (Oct 2015 - Feb 2018)
w/ some

One Chart to Bind them All
One Chart to Rule Them All

Commanders & Armies
Basics - Creating First Armies
PVP Commanders and Troops
Commanders - Vitality/Healing/Defy Death
Commanders - Heroism VS Charge
Defensive Sword
Advanced Military: Vampire Commanders

City Related
Lighting Builds
Planning your Cities
Why You Need a Farm
The Basics of City Placement
Building Stard Military City
Military City Buildings
Military City Builds

Sieges 101
Picking Siege Targets
Siege Trains

Diplomatic Units in Illy (part 1)
Diplomatic Units in Illy (part 2)
The Myth of Defensive Thieves
The Orc Diplomacy Guide
       Mystifying Maneuvers
Mystifying Maneuver - Buzzsaw
Mystifying Maneuver - Sally Forth

Equiptment & Crafting
The Jagblade Guide to Equipment
Vanguard Leather
Useful Crafting Materials

Real PvP
Real PvP: The Battle of Knob Creek
Real PvP: The Battle of Purr

Misc Reading
How to Terraform
The Best Race for n00bs
PVP Roles for Small Players
Yellow is the New Red
Don't Apologize for War
Discipline Never Sleeps
How to Kill Your Way to Capturing City
Killing Commanders for Fun and Profit
Let n00bs Fight
Idea Supply World
Basic Hunting Guide
Declaration of Sandbox Freedom
Why Runners Must be Hunted
All Muggles Must Die
Metagame Mischief - Camping the Square
Fact or Myth - Traders and Crafters
