
Abandoned [ABAN]

Founded By:Myr Founded On:20DEC17 20:23

Sorry, I don't want you in my alliance and NAPs are worthless. I can think of very few reasons for a confed so don't go sending me one cold as it will make me cranky.

All complaints can be reported to anyone but Myr.

Have fun!

Holiday Trivia Results

Name in (parentheses) is the winner, followed by the question and the answer is bolded.

  1. (Urp the Handsom) Which is the most popular ornament used to place at the top of the Christmas tree?  Star  
  2. (Fiona) Which country can be credited with the creation of the Christmas beverage, eggnog? England
  3. (Wartow) Two of the reindeers are named after weather phenomenon. Name the reindeer. In German Donner means thunder and Blitzen means lightning.
  4. (MR WICK!!) What is the name of the song was recorded by Vaughn Monroe in 1945 that opens with the lines “Oh the weather outside is frightful, But the fire is so delightful, And since we’ve no place to go. . .”?  Let it snow
  5. (Lileks) Which country follows the tradition to light candles on the graves of relatives on Christmas Eve? Finland 
  6. (Lileks) In AD 336 Christian leaders set December 25th for the celelbration Christmas. What pagan holiday were they trying to replace? Saturnalia
  7. (Maggy the Frog) In which ocean is Christmas Island located? Indian Ocean
  8. (Hobblez) How many gifts would you receive if you received all of the gifts in the song "The Twelve Days of Christmas"? 364
  9. (Feanaro) What are the names of the Three Wise Men (also known as the Three Kings)? Gaspar, Melchior and Balthasar
  10. (Feanaro) Which popular Christmas item gets its name from the old French word estincelle, which means "spark"? Tinsel
  11. (Eeowan) This god was associated with the Germanic pagan midwinter event of Yule and led the Wild Hunt, a ghostly procession through the sky. (Odin)
  12. (Azrael) In the prequel to the first Hanukkah the Maccabees, a group of rebel warriors, took control of which region? Judea 
  13. (Badger) In which country are children's presents delivered by a witch riding a broom? Italy
  14. (Skorg) According to the folklore of Austria and other countries, what horned figure punishes naughty children at Christmastime? (Krampus)

  15. (Humulus Lupus) What holiday was established in California in 1966 by scholar/activist Dr. Maulana Karenga? Kwannza
