
Illy Corp of Elgea [ICE]

Founded By:Tsefyo Founded On:19AUG17 16:19


Mission Statement

It is the mission of ICE to provide our members with an environment most conducive to growth, in both account size and general knowledge. Guided by a set of shared values, and our Executive Board, we intend to expand our influence throughout Elgea.


  1. To provide a friendly atmosphere for new and experienced players alike.

  2. Enable individuals to pursue their own course in their game through mentoring and material assistance.

  3. To establish partnerships with our neighboring alliances.

  4. To expand the corporation in both membership and geographical coverage.

  5. Commitment to excellence in all facets of the game.

Life in ICE

While we are particular about who we recruit into the corporation, we have high expectations but very few corporate rules. Everyone in ICE is free to play the game as they choose, however we have one firm rule: members must be active and communicative with their peers and corporate leadership.

Day-to-day operations are typically filled with friendly banter, discussions about game mechanics and the like. Higher-level discussions about the current state of affairs within the corporation and progress towards long-term goals take place weekly.



Through a careful screening process we recruit the most promising and most committed new and experienced players to integrate into our community and guide them along the path to becoming powerful and influential players in Illyriad.

After a sufficient period of time has passed and prospective members have earned the trust of their fellow members and of corporate leadership, they will be given the opportunity to take on more responsibility within the corporation. Climbing the corporate ladder needn’t be a goal in and of itself, but rather a side effect of demonstrating commitment to the corporation, skill at the game and solid understanding of its mechanics, as well as the trust and endorsements of their fellow members.

POC - Startopia


Like most alliances in the game we observe the 10-square rule for settling around our  members, as well as the 5-square rule for harvesting within the vicinity of a member city. Exceptions can be made with prior communication and negotiation.

We would also like to mention that diplomatic units sent at any ICE member (regardless of type) will be considered an Hostile act and will be treated as such and that Military Units placed within 5 squares of any ICE member will be considered an Hostile act and will be treated in the same manner.

ICE assets (spots claimed with sovereignty or armies), regardless of player status (abandonment or inactivity for example) are an integral part of ICE and any activity there without previous approval will be considered an Hostile act as well.

POC - Penelopee (If extremely urgent please reach out to all Chief Officers)

General Inquiry - DaARKaNTICS

