
Border Reivers [B~R]

Founded By:Lady Sith (Abandoned) Founded On:06JAN17 19:16

The People Long for Hope!  In a world of chaos and fear, the marauding hordes of factions and foes create fear in the hearts of the unsuspecting newcomers.  War, rumors of war, and neighbors bent on the destruction of the helpless, necessitates a refuge, a place of solace and peace - a City of HOPE.  

Our goal is to be the guardian for the newer players, providing help and assistance, training and planning necessary to navigate these fair lands.  Here, we hope to train smaller players to explore, to harvest and craft.  We hope to provide the necessary foundation for proper growth, city location, defense and trading throughout the realm.   

We are a Training Alliance Open to New, Growing, and the Advanced Player that desires to share ideas, resoucres, discoveries and Illyriad Links to the benefit of us all.  Send Toothy Hag or Wolfbeard a message requesting an invitation - we will respond immediately.

Good Manners.

As stated we are a peaceful training alliance, although the following applies:

Harvesting within 10 squares of our cities will be viewed as tresspassing on our sovereign property. We claim exclusive rights to 10 sq of our cities. Do not place armies within 10 squares of any of our cities without permission. We may attack them without warning. Same goes for harvesters on our sovs or within 5 squares of our cities. Harvesting between 5-10 squares of our cities is negotiable provided you contact us first.  If your town is the same distance or less from a resource we will agree your right to harvest the resource.


