

Founded By:bossatron1 (Abandoned) Founded On:30DEC16 06:28

this is an alliance made to help other people and we will attack other players if they have a hostile interaction with us.

if you want to join contact me bossatron1.


The World of Illyriad:

Newbie Guides | Community Initiatives | Game Mysteries | Empire Development | Military | Diplomacy | Magic | Harvesting, Crafting, & Trade






Video Tuitorials


Newbie Guides


Newbie Guide (Part 1)
Posted by tallica - 14 May 2011

Newbie Guide (Part 2)
Posted by tallica - 14 May 2011

Starting Illyriad: An Alternative Newbie Guide
written by Auraya, edited by Mithyn,
dwarf advice contributed by Smoking Gnu & Fluffeh,
orc advice contributed by BenDunder

Do it your own way - the anti-guide
written by Solonar

Tips for new players
Posted by Manannan - 14 May 2011

City Development For New Players
Posted by Llyr - 28 Dec 2012
Joining an Alliance
Posted by Mara Zira - 05 Sept 2011

Begging For Dummies
Posted by Squill - 06 Sept 2011

Basic Self Defense for New Players
Posted by Rill - 08 Sep 2011

Military for New Players
Posted by The Electrocutioner - 23 Jun 2013



World of Illyriad


Community Initiatives:

The Thunderdome PVP Arena
Feeding the Heart of Corruption
Land Claims

Tools and Information:

Arcanum Illyriad
Illyriad Institute
Dilly Tools
Chat Codes: Source A | Source B
Warmonger in Illyriad (PVP Blog)
Illyriad Telegraph (News & Gossip)
Abandoned City Finder
Rules Governing Inactivity
The Black Tongue - Orc Language


Questing | Quest Guide

Game Mysteries | Mysteries Forum
Mystery Locations:
Fortune Teller Locations
Duraz Karag
Fortress of Shadows
Heart of Corruption
Misted Lands
The Rift
Steamtastic Brewery
Temple of Reason
Allembine Mystery Statue Spots:
01   -312|717
02   -608|-189
03   910|-507
04   -102|1 then 949|-379
05   429|-931
06   516|505
07   -485|-736 then 669|794
08   652|-265 then -843|-310
09   -4|10
10   -377|-104
11   356|498
12   -157|-298
13   471|228 then -711|674
14   232|345
15   761|-892 then -39|-973
16   -194|-687
17   719|365
18   22|-85
19   -569|-91 then 136|855
20   399|-431








Seasons and Lunar Phases 



Empire Development



The size of your empire is determined by your combined population levels from each of your cities. Each building constructed in a city increases that city’s population. In order to maintain the population, one must have equal amounts of food to support the population (either in hourly production, or in stock in the storehouse/warehouse) – food can be produced with farms, and can be increased with sovereignty. Once an empire has reached a certain population level, new cities can be obtained (450 pop = 2nd city, 2000 pop = 3rd city, etc) with a settler or by capturing an existing city with siege engines.

In order to reach 10 cities, your first 9 cities will have to have an average of 25,950 population each. The jump between city 10 and city 11 is another 30k required, with each subsequent city requirement growing a little more (from 11 to 12, 31k; from 12 to 13, 32k; and so on). This means, the most feasible way to reach a higher number of total cities (10+) is by placing almost all of your settlements onto tiles which offer 7 food plots, in addition to having a respectable amount of food sovreignty in the area to build farmsteads/fisheries.

City # - Pop Required

2 - 450
3 - 2,000
4 - 5,000
5 - 10,000
6 - 20,000
7 - 40,000
8 - 75,000
9 - 130,000
10 - 233,550
11 - 263,550
12 - 294,550
13 - 326,550
14 - 359,550
15 - 393,550
16 - 428,550
17 - 464,550
18 - 501,550
19 - 539,550
20 - 578,550
21 - 618,550
22 - 659,550
23 - 701,550
24 - 744,550
25 - 788,550
26 - 833,550
27 - 879,550
28 - 926,550
29 - 974,550
30 - 1,023,550
31 - 1,073,550
32 - 1,124,550
33 - 1,176,550
34 - 1,229,550
35 - 1,283,550
36 - 1,338,550
37 - 1,394,550
38 - 1,451,550
39 - 1,509,550
40 - 1,568,550
41 - 1,628,550
42 - 1,689,550


Resource Upkeep at Lvl 20
Building Wood Clay Iron Stone
Archers' Field 2700   1100  
Assassins' Abode     3100 1900
Cavalry Parade Ground 1100 2700    
Foreign Office   400 800 1600
Geomancers' Retreat 700 2300   1500
Infantry Quarters     1100 2700
Runemasters' Grounding   900   1700
Saboteurs' Sanctuary 2700 1500    
Scouts' Lookout 700 1500    
Spearmen's Billets   2700 1100  
Spies Hideout 700 1100   1100
Thieves' Den 1700 1100 1700  
Trade Office 2800 690   1580
Chancery of Estates 800 3200   1600



Resource Management

Food Plots Wood Plots Clay Plots Iron Plots Stone Plots What To Build At This Location
7 5 5 3 5 cavalry, scout, spy, trade, geomancer, runemaster
7 5 5 5 3 cavalry, archers, spearmen, scout, thief
7 5 3 5 5 archers, infantry, assassin
7 3 5 5 5 spearmen, infantry, assassin, runemaster


Highest Population Buildings:

Blacksmith - 1497
Book Binder - 1497
Carpentry - 1497
Common Ground - 1497
Consulate - 1497
Fletcher - 1497
Forge - 1497
Foundry - 1497
Kiln - 1497
Mage Tower - 1497
Paddock - 1497
Saddle Maker - 1497
Siege Workshop - 1497
Spearmaker - 1497
Stonemason - 1497
Tannery - 1497
Tavern - 1497
Archers Field - 1796
Calvary Parade Grounds - 1796
Trade Office - 2000

For detailed information on building populations and production requirements : Building Charts

City Relocation – All new players begin their Illyriad journey in the Newbie Ring, an area in central Elgea that spawns in all new players. While some players may choose to stay in this area, most will seek out land in other areas of the map to build their empires. In order to move a city, the player has the option to Exodus or Teleport to the destination of their choosing.

Exodus can be a long process, requiring a level 20 warehouse (which requires a level 15 storehouse), as well as the 5 day exodus research. Once performed, Exodus will de-level any building greater than level 12 back down to level 12. When Exodus’ing a city, that city will leave the resource plots they started with behind, and adopt the resources of the tile they are moving to (example: if your starting city has 5 wood, 5 clay, 5 iron, 5 stone, and 5 food, but the destination tile has 3 wood, 5 clay, 5 iron, 5 stone, and 7 food, when your city lands it will have the 3|5|5|5|7 resources of the destination tile).

Tenarils Teleport is a fast option, though you can only use this once for your entire account. This method will transport your city in its current form to a destination of your choice, keeping the resource plots you already have and bringing them to the new tile (example: if your starting city has 5 wood, 5 clay, 5 iron, 5 stone, and 5 food, but the destination tile has 3 wood, 5 clay, 5 iron, 5 stone, and 7 food, when your city lands it will have the 5|5|5|5|5 resources that you brought with you). Because it can be used only once, many players feel this option should be considered a last resort for relocation, and/or used in conjunction with terraforming to maximize the use.

More Information on City Relocation :

Where Do I Put My City | Guide to Exodus | Exodus VS Tenaril | Terraforming | Magical 7 Food Mountain



Sovereignty allows for a player to claim the tiles surrounding their city, and build on them structures which will increase the production of resources and craftables for the city (determined by the type of building placed and the sovereignty bonus present on the claimed tile). Currently, 50 sov tiles may be claimed per city, though only 20 buildings can be present at once. Each sov tile claim will require an hourly gold upkeep (determined by the distance from the city, and the level of the sov claim); additionally, most sov buildings have their own hourly res upkeep. Due to the upkeep, sovereignty is only recommended for cities with higher levels of populations that can easier maintain these costs.



Sov Claim Times

Level I 24hrs
Level II 48hrs
Level III 72hrs
Level IV 96hrs
Level V 120hrs


Sov Res Costs

in Wood, Clay, Iron & Stone per Hour

Production Level I 150
Production Level II 300
Production Level III 600
Production Level IV 1200
Production Level V 2400


Farmsteads, Fisheries, Earthworks, Logging Camps, Gravel Pits, and Mineshafts do not require an hourly res upkeep to maintain at any level, though they still cost gold based on the sov level claimed. These sov buildings are the ones which increase your basic res productions (food, wood, clay, iron, and stone).

Terrain Types and Sovereignty Bonuses are: 

Terrain Type                            - Structure                               - Production Bonus 

Rocky outcrop                            - Farrier                            - Horses +3% per lvl
Fertile ground                             - Farrier                           - Horses +1% per lvl
Bountiful land                             - Cattle Rancher             - Cattle +3% per lvl
Alluvial plain                               - Cattle Rancher             - Cattle +1% per lvl
Abundant crops                         - Brewer's Yard               - Beer +3% per lvl
Treacherous mountains          - Brewer's Yard               - Beer +2% per lvl
Fertile orchard                            - Brewer's Yard               - Beer +1% per lvl
Rich Clay Seam                         - Papermill                      - Books +3% per lvl
Abundant Clay                            - Papermill                      - Books +2% per lvl
Wooded land                              - Poleturner                     - Spears +3% per lvl
Light woods                                - Poleturner                     - Spears +1% per lvl
Sharp crags                                - Bladesmith                   - Swords +3% per lvl
Mountains                                   - Bladesmith                   - Swords +1% per lvl
Thick Forest                                - Bowyer                           - Bows +3% per lvl
Forested hilltop                          - Bowyer                           - Bows +1% per lvl
Turned Clay                                - Bridlemaker                  - Saddles +2% per lvl
Heavy Clay Seam                      - Bridlemaker                  - Saddles +1% per lvl
Clay seam                                   - Renderer                      - Leather Armour +3%
Exposed Clay                              - Renderer                      - Leather Armour +1%
Craggy peaks                             - Armourer                       - Chainmail +3% per lvl
Stony ground                               - Armourer                      - Chainmail +1% per lvl
Abundant Quarry                         - Plate Forger                 - Plate Armour +3%
Lonely peaks                               - Plate Forger                 - Plate Armour +1%
Bleak mountains                        - Finishing School         - Diplomats +2% per lvl
Scrubland                                    - Finishing School         - Diplomats +1% per lvl
Wooded Glade                           - Training Ground           - Spearmen +2% per lvl
Tundra                                         - Training Ground           - Spearmen +1% per lvl
Dense Forest                             - Target Range                - Archers +2% per lvl
Clearing                                      - Target Range                - Archers +1% per lvl
Moor                                              - Military Academy          - Swordsmen +1% per lvl
Rich quarry                                  - Military Academy          - Swordsmen +2% per lvl
Fertile pasture                            - Jousting Yard                - Cavalry +2% per lvl
Open Plains                                - Jousting Yard                - Cavalry +1% per lvl
Landslip                                      - Assembly Yard              - Seige Engines +2%
Wooded Quarry                          - Assembly Yard              - Seige Engines +1%


More Information on Sovereignty : Sovereignty | Sovereignty Types | Step-by-Step Guide to Claiming Sov




Military Units are divided into two tiers (T1 and T2), each with their own attack, defense, and speed:

(Click on the pictures for information)


Dwarf Military Units
Yeoman Halbardier Slinger Crossbowman
Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 1 Tier 2
Spear Unit Spear Unit Ranged Unit   Ranged Unit
Axman Stalwart Packsman Runerider
Tier 1 Tier 1  Tier 1  Tier 2
Infantry Infantry Calvary Calvary


Elf Military Units
Protector Phalanx Sentinel Elven Trueshot
Tier 1 Tier 1 Tier 1  Tier 2
Spear Unit Spear Unit Ranged Ranged
Warden Wardancer Swiftsteed Marshall
Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 1 Tier 2
Infantry Infantry Calvary Calvary


Human Military Units
Militiaman Pikeman Archer Longbowman
Tier 1 Tier 2  Tier 1 Tier 2
Spear Unit Spear Unit Ranged Ranged
Swordsman Man-At-Arms Charioteer Knight
Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 1 Tier 2
Infantry Infantry Calvary Calvary


Orc Military Units
Kobold Cohort Clan Guardsman Clanguard Death Dealer
Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 1 Tier 2
Spear Unit Spear Unit Ranged Ranged
Fang Fist Wolfrider Death Pack
Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 1 Tier 2
Infantry Infantry Calvary Calvary


Each unit (besides siege engines) can be made into a Commander, which can be upgraded through leveling (via experience points). These upgrades can have a wide variety of effects, depending on which skills have been leveled. Detailed information on Commanders can be found here : Commanders, Everything You Need to KnowMore Information : Armies In Illyriad | Races Troop Guide | Troop Attack & Defense p/h Stats

In addition to the stats of the unit itself, equipment can be used to modify unit attributes such as attack, defense, and speed. Often these modifiers are determined by the type of terrain which is being fought upon, as well as whether the unit itself is attacking or defending.

Detailed information on Modifiers can be found here : Military Unit & Terrain Stats | Equipment Bonuses






NPC Sizes


NPC Label Group Size (approx)
Few 1-3
Handful 4-8
Several 9-21
Pack 22-81
Many 82-128
Gathering 129-227
Horde 228-462
Throng 463-815
Host 816-2,500
Legion 2,501-9,999
Myriad 10,000-24,999
Sea 25,000-49,999
Cornucopia 50,000-Inf



Terrain Modifiers




ATTACKING                             %AGE MODIFIER


Terrain Type Cavalry Spears Infantry Ranged
Buildings -50 20 40 5
Large Forest -15 5 30 -20
Large Hill -15 0 10 10
Large Mountain -30 0 15 15
Plains 30 -15 0 0
Small Forest -10 10 30 -10
Small Hill 0 0 0 0
Small Mountain -20 0 5 10


DEFENDING                             %AGE MODIFIER


Terrain Type Cavalry Spears Infantry Ranged
Buildings -45 25 30 15
Large Forest -15 5 25 -20
Large Hill -10 10 5 15
Large Mountain -30 20 5 30
Plains 25 -15 0 0
Small Forest -10 10 30 -10
Small Hill 0 5 5 5
Small Mountain -15 15 5 15



For additional information relating to Military, please view any of the following links:

Researchable Military Technologies | Seiging Abandoned | Battle Calculator | Warmonger in Illyriad (PVP Blog)





Brief Explanation of Each Diplomatic Unit:


T1- Report information on the military units (types and quantities, including beasts) currently occupying a city, military camp, or NPC square. They also report any resources available for harvesting on NPC tiles, and any caravans already harvesting resources.

T2- In addition to the reporting that basic scouts do, advanced scouts also report on a city's current military activities elsewhere.


T1- Report information on the current structures and their levels in a target city, as well as any resources present.

T2- Report information on the current structures and their levels in a target city, any ongoing construction, and any ongoing research as well as any resources present.


T1: Can steal basic resources (Wood, Iron, Clay, Stone & Food), Books and Beer.

T2: Units can steal everything the Basic thief units can, plus Swords, Spears, Bows, Saddles, Leather Armour, Chainmail and Platesteel.


Thief Units


Race Unit Capacity Speed
Dwarf Footpad 57 14
Halfling 60 16
Elf Rogue 50 19
Dark Elf 54 25
Human Burglar 59 15
Master Thief 64 22
Orc Goblin Cutpurse 71 17
Plunderer 76 20


T1: Will destroy progress on one building upgrade currently being constructed, canceling the upgrade. The city being sabotaged will be refunded up to 80% of the upgrade cost (80% minus the percent of upgrade progress that had been achieved).

T2: Have a chance to sabotage a second construction project and will also delay ongoing research in the same mission. Research can be delayed to at most twice the original research time required.


T1: Will cause damage to the health of a single enemy commander.

T2: Cause substantially more damage to the enemy commander than the basic unit, and have a chance of poisoning multiple commanders on the same mission.


 Used to recall an encamped army or harvesters.

For more detailed information relating to Diplomacy, please view any of the following links:

Diplomacy Overview | Researchable Diplomacy Technologies | Thieving | I've Been Robbed!





There are currently 3 schools of magic on Illyriad: Blights, Geomancy, and Runes. There are plans to add at least 2 more schools in the future (maybe as many as 10 magic schools--but you'll be able to study only 5). This is why the research tree allows you to do research to learn 5 different magic schools even though there are only 3 schools available right now. (Note: When more than 5 magic schools are released, players will be given Prestige to allow them to unlearn some schools they currently have.)

Arcana (Mage Tower level 1 needed) allows you to learn one school of magic. Researching Principia Magica (Mage Tower level 5 needed) allows you to choose an additional school of magic to learn. Researching Incunabula (Mage Tower level 10 needed) allows you to learn a third school of magic. Though currently useless, researching Ars Magica (Mage Tower level 15 needed) allows you to learn a fourth school of magic and researching Apocrypha (Mage Tower level 20 needed) allows you to learn a fifth school of magic

Geomancy – This magic school is used to increase a single basic res production (wood, clay, iron, stone, and food) by a percentage. The base level of this is 8%, though it can be increased to 16% with one level 20 Geomancers retreat, and increased again to a total of 20% with two level 20 Geomancer Retreats (in the city casting the spell).

Runes – This magic school is used to protect your city from invading forces. The most popular rune is the Seeking Rune: Ward of Intentions, which when set to defend against thieves, can destroy 400 invading units and is available for research when the Magic Tower has reached level 14. This can be doubled to 800 with a single level 20 Runemasters Grounding, or brought to 1000 units with two level 20 Runemasters Groundings. Additionally, the Runes school of magic offers Slaying Runes, which kill less invading units, but can include a wider variety of targets (any hostile military or diplomatic units). The strongest form of this spell is Ward of Destruction, killing 250 invading units, and is available to research when the magic tower reaches level 15. This too can be doubled to 500 killed with a single level 20 Runemasters Grounding. The third class of spells available though Runes is Fear, and is largely ignored due to its over-all uselessness against large numbers of troops.


Rune Spells


[School] Name Magic Tower Level Kills (# of Units)
[Slaying] Mark of Slaying 3 5
[Slaying] Death Rune 7 20
[Slaying] Killing Glyph 11 75
[Slaying] Ward of Destruction 15 250
[Seeking] Mark of Seeking 2 12
[Seeking] Seeking rune 6 40
[Seeking] Seeking Glyph 10 130
[Seeking] Ward of Intentions 14 400


Blights – This school of magic is used to decrease the basic resources (either in production or storage) of enemy cities within casting range. Most commonly, players cast a negative % on food production in conjunction with a city siege. These spells are also increased by one or more Geomancers Retreats located in the city casting the spell.

You can have only one spell from each magic school cast upon one city at a time. So you can have only one Rune spell on your city. You can have only one geomancy spell on your city, but you can cast geomancy spells from that city on many other cities as long as the target city has no other geomancy spells cast on it. You can cast a geomancy spell on any city as long as it is within the spell's range. There can be only one blight spell cast on a city at a time - you can either use one ongoing "until cancelled" blight on a city or you (or several players) can cast instant blights on the same enemy town (assuming it's in range).

For more detailed information relating to Magic, please view any of the following links:

Researchable Magics | Step by Step Guide to Using Illy Magic



Harvesting, Crafting, & Trade


These topics include a fairly large amount of available information; for this reason, this page will simply offer some widely referred to charts, as well as links to direct a player to detailed information. Additionally, on our open alliance forum one can find a list of Useable Gatherable Items found around the Illyriad World.


Harvesting & Crafting

Gathering Overview
Crafting Overview
Researchable Crafting Technologies
Gathering: The Basics
Harvesting Resources, Step-by-Step Guide
Introduction to (Trade &) Crafting
So You Want to Learn Crafting
Chained Crafting Building
Crafting Charts
Useable Gatherable Items
Workshop Specialisation


Trade Overview
Researchable Trade Technologies
Introduction to Trade (& Crafting)
Guide to Basic Faction Trade
Trading with Faction Hubs: The Essentials




Caravan Upgrades


Upgrade Caravans Market Lvl
Haggling +5 1
Bartering +5 (=10) 5
Trading +10 (=20) 10
Mercantilism +10 (=30) 15
Cartels +10 (=40) 17
Commerce +15 (=55) 18
Enterprise +15 (=70) 20


Tracking Movement 

Stationary Unit = No arrows
1 arrow = 1-7 squares per hour
2 arrows = 8-16 squares per hour
3 arrows = 17-25 squares per hour
4 arrows = 26-41 squares per hour
5 arrows = 41+ squares per hour



Craftable Items




Adventurer's Sword
(+60% on Hills, +20% on Plains, -24% on Mountains, -24% in Forests)
Barbarian Sword
(-24% on Hills, +60% on Plains, +20% on Mountains, -24% in Forests)
Battle Sword
(-16% Cav Def, -16% Spear Def, +80% Bow Def, -16% Sword Def)
Bone Handled Sword
(+30% in Arctic, -8% in Desert, -8% in Jungle)
Chitin-Crafted Shortsword
(-12% Attack, -14% Cav Def, -14% Spear Def, -14% Bow Def, -14% Sword Def, +15% Move Speed, +40% on Mountains, +50% in Forests, -8% for Dwarves, +10% for Orcs)
Dwarven Battle Axe
(-4% Cav Def, -4% Spear Def, -4% Bow Def, -4% Sword Def, -4% on Hills, -2% on Plains, -4% in Forests, +6% for Dwarves)
Ebony-Hilt Sword
(-4% Cav Def, -4% Spear Def, -4% Bow Def, -4% Sword Def, +120% vs Undead)
Elven Sword
(-2% Attack, -4% on Hills, -2% on Plains, -2% on Mountains, +6% for Elves)
Fang-Barbed Sword
(+20% Attack, -12% Cav Def, +90% Spear Def, -12% Bow Def, -48% Sword Def)
Light Sword
(-16% Attack, +10% Move Speed)
(-16% Cav Def, -16% Spear Def, -16% Bow Def, +80% Sword Def)
(-8% in Arctic, -8% in Desert, +30% in Jungle)
Mountain-Tribe's Sword
(-24% on Hills, -24% on Plains, +60% on Mountains, +20% in Forests
Obsidian Blade
(-8% Cav Def, -8% Spear Def, -8% Sword Def, +125% Magic Res, +50% vs Undead)
Orc Marauder's Sword
(+80% Attack, -40% Cav Def, -24% Spear Def, -28% Bow Def, -8% Sword Def, -10% Move Speed, -24% for Dwarves, -32% for Elves, -24% for Humans, +60% for Orcs)
Orcish Sword
(-2% Cav Def, -2% Spear Def, -2% Bow Def, -2% Sword Def, -4% on Plains, -2% on Mountains, -2% in Forests, +6% for Orcs)
Razor-Edged Sword
(+10% Attack, +10% Cav Def, +10% Spear Def, +10% Bow Def, +10% Sword Def)
Reinforced Sword
(+10% Attack, -8% Cav Def, -8% Spear Def, -8% Bow Def, -8% Sword Def, +140% vs Monsterous)
(+80% Cav Def, -16% Spear Def, -16% Bow Def, -16% Sword Def)
(-8% in Arctic, +30% in Desert, -8% in Jungle)
(-16% Cav Def, +80% Spear Def, -16% Bow Def, -16% Sword Def)
Short Sword
(+20% on Hills, -24% on Plains, -24% on Mountains, +60% in Forests)
Silversteel Sword
(+150% Attack, +50% Cav Def, +25% Spear Def, +75% Sword Def)
Spiked Sword
(+40% Attack, -16% Cav Def, -16% Spear Def, -16% Bow Def, -16% Sword Def)
Traditional Sword
(-2% Attack, -2% on Hills, -4% on Mountains, -2% in Forests, +6% for Humans)
War Axe
(+30% Attack, -8% Cav Def, -8% Spear Def, -8% Bow Def, -8% Sword Def, -10% Move Speed, +30% for Dwarves, -8% for Elves, -4% for Humans, +10% for Orcs)


Arctic Spear
(+30% in Arctic, -8% in Desert, -8% in Jungle)
Battle Spear
(-16% Cav Def, -16% Spear Def, -16% Bow Def, +80% Sword Def)
Boar Spear
(-16% Attack, -4% Spear Def, -4% Bow Def, -4% Sword Def, +120% vs Animals) **This spear has been presented as broken, not offering correct VS animals bonus; player calculated VS animals bonus to be at 28%**
Defender's Spear
(-16% Cav Def, -16% Spear Def, +80% Bow Def, -16% Sword Def)
Desert Pike
(+20% Cav Def, -16% Spear Def, -16% Bow Def, -16% Sword Def, +40% in Desert, -16% in Jungle)
Desert Spear
(-8% in Arctic, +30% in Desert, -8% in Jungle)
Dragon Spear
(-16% Attack, -8% Spear Def, -8% Bow Def, -8% Sword Def, -10% Move Speed, +150% vs Monsterous)
Duelling Spear
(-16% Cav Def, +80% Spear Def, -16% Bow Def, -16% Sword Def)
Ebony Spear
(-4% Cav Def, -4% Spear Def, -4% Bow Def, -4% Sword Def, +60% vs Undead)
Fang-Barbed Spear
(+10% Attack, -8% Cav Def, +60% Spear Def, -8% Bow Def, -32% Sword Def)
Fang-Tipped Spear
(-24% Cav Def, +40% Spear Def, +20% Bow Def, -24% Sword Def, +5% Move Speed, +40% vs Animals)
Forester's Spear
(+20% on Hills, -24% on Plains, -24% on Mountains, +60% in Forests)
(-8% Attack, -16% Cav Def, -16% Spear Def, -16% Bow Def, -16% Sword Def, +5% Move Speed, +20% in Arctic, -4% in Desert, -4% in Jungle, +100% vs Animals)
Hill-Tribe Spear
(+60% on Hills, +20% on Plains, -24% on Mountains, -24% in Forests)
Iron-Banded Spear
(-4% Attack, +40% Cav Def, +40% Sword Def, -10% Move Speed, +10% for Orcs, +60% vs Monsterous)
Jungle Hunter's Spear
(-4% Attack, -12% Cav Def, -12% Spear Def, -12% Bow Def, -12% Sword Def, +10% Move Speed, -4% in Arctic, -4% in Desert, +20% in Jungle, +90% vs Animals)
Jungle Spear
(-8% in Arctic, -8% in Desert, +30% in Jungle)
Light Spear
(-16% Attack, +10% Move Speed)
Mountain Spear
(-24% on Hills, -24% on Plains, +60% on Mountains, +20% in Forests)
Obsidian-Tipped Spear
(-8% Sword Def, +50% Magic Res, -8% vs Monsterous, +20% vs Undead)
(+80% Cav Def, -16% Spear Def, -16% Bow Def, -16% Sword Def)
Plainsman's Spear
(-24% on Hills, +60% on Plains, +20% on Mountains, -24% in Forests)
Razor-Edged Spear
(+10% Attack, +10% Cav Def, +10% Spear Def, +10% Bow Def, +10% Sword Def)
Silversteel Spear
(+50% Attack, +25% Cav Def, +25% Sword Def)
Trident (-4% Attack, -4% Spear Def, -4% Bow Def, +60% Sword Def, -2% in Arctic, -2% in Desert, +10% in Jungle)
War Spear
(+6% Attack, -15% Move Speed)


Artic Bow (+30% in Arctic, -8% in Desert, -8% in Jungle)
Chitin-Cored Bow
(+40% Cav Def, +40% Spear Def, +40% Bow Def, +40% Sword Def, -32% in Arctic, -32% in Desert, -32% in Jungle)
Composite Bow
(+75% Attack, -10% Cav Def, -10% Spear Def, -10% Bow Def, -10% Sword Def, -20% Move Speed, -32% in Arctic, -32% in Desert, -32% in Jungle)
Desert Bow
(-8% in Arctic, +30% in Desert, -8% in Jungle)
Ebony Bow
(-8% Attack, -4% Cav Def, -4% Spear Def, -4% Bow Def, -4% Sword Def, +30% at Night, -16% in Day, -12% vs Monsterous, +90% vs Undead)
Elven Spirit Bow
(-24% Attack, -12% Cav Def, -12% Spear Def, -12% Bow Def, -12% Sword Def, +5% Move Speed, -36% in Arctic, -36% in Desert, -36% in Jungle, +30% in Day, +120% for Elves)
Hero's Bow
(-4% Attack, -4% Cav Def, -4% Spear Def, -4% Bow Def, -4% Sword Def, -10% Move Speed, +135% vs Monsterous)
High-Power Bow
(-16% Cav Def, -16% Spear Def, -16% Bow Def, +80% Sword Def)
Hillsman's Bow
(+60% on Hills, +20% on Plains, -24% on Mountains, -24% in Forests)
Hunter's Bow
(-4% Attack, -4% Cav Def, -4% Spear Def, -4% Bow Def, -4% Sword Def, +120% vs Animals) **This bow has been presented as broken, not offering correct VS animals bonus; player calculated VS animals bonus to be at 28%**
Jungle Bow
(-8% in Arctic, -8% in Desert, +30% in Jungle)
Leopard Gut Bow
(-8% Attack, +5% Move Speed, -8% in Arctic, -8% in Desert, +30% in Jungle)
Light Bow
(-8% Attack, +10% Move Speed, +3% for Elves)
Long-Draw Bow
(+80% Cav Def, -16% Spear Def, -16% Bow Def, -16% Sword Def)
Mammoth Tusk Bow
(+30% Attack, -10% Move Speed, +30% in Arctic, -8% in Desert, -8% in Jungle)
Marksman's Bow
(-16% Cav Def, -16% Spear Def, +80% Bow Def, -16% Sword Def)
Mountain Bow
(-24% on Hills, -24% on Plains, +60% on Mountains, +20% in Forests)
Plains Bow
(-24% on Hills, +60% on Plains, +20% on Mountains, -24% in Forests)
Poacher's Bow
(-8% Cav Def, -8% Spear Def, -8% Bow Def, -8% Sword Def, +5% Move Speed, +20% on Hills, -12% on Plains, +20% in Forests, -36% vs Monsterous, +100% vs Animals)
Rapid-Draw Bow
(-16% Cav Def, +80% Spear Def, -16% Bow Def, -16% Sword Def)
Three-Wood Bow
(+25% Cav Def, +25% Spear Def, +25% Bow Def, +25% Sword Def, -32% in Arctic, -32% in Desert, -32% in Jungle, +15% for Elves)
War Bow
(+6% Attack, -15% Move Speed)
Woodsman's Bow
(+20% on Hills, -24% on Plains, -24% on Mountains, +60% in Forests)

Leather Armor

Animal-Scale Armour
(-4% Cav Def, -4% Spear Def, -4% Bow Def, -4% Sword Def, +10% Move Speed, +15% for Orcs, +120% vs Monsterous, +120% vs Animals, +120% vs Undead)
Cloth-Backed Leather
(-12% Cav Def, -12% Spear Def, +120% Bow Def, -12% Sword Def)
Desert Armour
(-8% in Arctic, +40% in Desert, -8% in Jungle)
Extra Heavy Armour
(-8% Attack, +100% Cav Def, +100% Spear Def, +100% Bow Def, +100% Sword Def, -40% Move Speed)
Extra Light Armour
(-10% Attack, -10% Cav Def, -10% Spear Def, -10% Bow Def, -10% Sword Def, +15% Move Speed, +5% for Elves, +15% for Orcs)
Forester's Armour
(+20% on Hills, -24% on Plains, -24% on Mountains, +60% in Forests, +40% for Elves)
Fur-Lined Armour
(+40% in Arctic, -24% in Desert, -24% in Jungle)
Hardened Leather
(-12% Cav Def, +120% Spear Def, -12% Bow Def, -12% Sword Def)
Heavy Leather
(-2% Attack, +10% Cav Def, +10% Spear Def, +10% Bow Def, +10% Sword Def, -10% Move Speed)
Highland Armour
(-24% on Hills, -24% on Plains, +60% on Mountains, +20% in Forests, +40% for Orcs)
Jungle Armour
(-8% in Arctic, -8% in Desert, +40% in Jungle)
Light Leather
(-4% Attack, -4% Cav Def, -4% Spear Def, -4% Bow Def, -4% Sword Def, +10% Move Speed, +10% for Elves, +30% for Orcs)
Midnight Armour
(+10% Attack, -4% Cav Def, -4% Spear Def, -4% Bow Def, -4% Sword Def, +90% at Night, -12% in Day)
Over-Padded Armour
(-16% Cav Def, -16% Spear Def, -16% Bow Def, -16% Sword Def, -10% Move Speed, +140% vs Animals)
Plainsman's Armour
(-24% on Hills, +60% on Plains, +20% on Mountains, -24% in Forests, +40% for Humans)
Reinforced Leather
(+24% Cav Def, -6% Spear Def, -6% Bow Def, -6% Sword Def)
(-12% Cav Def, -12% Spear Def, -12% Bow Def, +120% Sword Def)
Sun-Burnished Armour
(+10% Attack, -4% Cav Def, -4% Spear Def, -4% Bow Def, -4% Sword Def, -12% at Night, +90% in Day)
Upland Armour
(+60% on Hills, +20% on Plains, -24% on Mountains, -24% in Forests, +40% for Dwarves)
Vanguard's Armour
(+100% Attack, -12% Cav Def, -12% Spear Def, -12% Bow Def, -12% Sword Def, -10% Move Speed)


Cloth-Backed Chainmail
(-8% Cav Def, -8% Spear Def, +80% Bow Def, -8% Sword Def)
Desert Chainmail
(-8% in Arctic, +30% in Desert, -8% in Jungle)
Double-Weave Chainmail
(-4% Cav Def, +16% Spear Def, -4% Bow Def, -4% Sword Def)
Extra Heavy Chainmail
(-4% Attack, +30% Cav Def, +30% Spear Def, +30% Bow Def, +30% Sword Def, -40% Move Speed, -8% in Arctic, -8% in Desert, -8% in Jungle)
Extra Light Chainmail
(-10% Attack, -10% Cav Def, -10% Spear Def, -10% Bow Def, -10% Sword Def, +15% Move Speed, +25% in Desert, +25% in Jungle)
Fur-Lined Chainmail
(+30% in Arctic, -24% in Desert, -24% in Jungle)
Heavy Chain Armour
(-2% Attack, +4% Cav Def, +4% Spear Def, +4% Bow Def, +4% Sword Def, -10% Move Speed, -4% in Arctic, -4% in Desert, -4% in Jungle)
Highland Chainmail
(-24% on Hills, -24% on Plains, +60% on Mountains, +20% in Forests)
Hillsman's Chainmail
(+60% on Hills, +20% on Plains, -24% on Mountains, -24% in Forests)
Jungle Chainmail
(-8% in Arctic, -8% in Desert, +30% in Jungle)
Light Chain Armour
(-4% Attack, -4% Cav Def, -4% Spear Def, -4% Bow Def, -4% Sword Def, +10% Move Speed, +5% in Desert, +5% in Jungle)
Master-Crafted Chainmail
(-10% Attack, +25% Cav Def, +25% Spear Def, +25% Bow Def, +25% Sword Def, -10% Move Speed, +50% for Humans)
Over-Padded Chainmail
(-10% Move Speed, +50% vs Animals)
Plainsman's Chainmail
(-24% on Hills, +60% on Plains, +20% on Mountains, -24% in Forests)
Reinforced Chainmail
(+80% Cav Def, -8% Spear Def, -8% Bow Def, -8% Sword Def)
Silversteel Chainmail
(+40% Attack, +75% Cav Def, +75% Spear Def, +75% Bow Def, +75% Sword Def)
Thick-Ring Chainmail
(-8% Cav Def, -8% Spear Def, -8% Bow Def, +80% Sword Def)
Vanguard's Chainmail
(+5% Attack, -4% Cav Def, -4% Spear Def, -4% Bow Def, -4% Sword Def)
Woodsman's Chainmail
(+20% on Hills, -24% on Plains, -24% on Mountains, +60% in Forests)


Ancient Pattern Armour
(+50% Cav Def, +50% Spear Def, +50% Bow Def, +25% Sword Def, +5% Move Speed, -16% in Arctic, -16% in Desert, -16% in Jungle)
Chain-Edged Platemail
(-4% Cav Def, -4% Spear Def, +16% Bow Def, -4% Sword Def)
Desert Platemail
(-12% in Arctic, +30% in Desert, -12% in Jungle)
Dwarven Champion's
(+20% Attack, +50% Cav Def, +70% Spear Def, +70% Bow Def, +50% Sword Def, -50% Move Speed, +30% on Hills, +10% on Mountains, -20% in Arctic, -20% in Desert, -20% in Jungle, +40% for Dwarves, -24% for Elves, -24% for Humans, -24% for Orcs)
Forester's Platemail
(+20% on Hills, -24% on Plains, -24% on Mountains, +60% in Forests)
Fur-Lined Platemail
(+30% in Arctic, -36% in Desert, -36% in Jungle)
Heavy Platemail
(-2% Attack, +4% Cav Def, +4% Spear Def, +4% Bow Def, +4% Sword Def, -20% Move Speed, -5% in Arctic, -5% in Desert, -5% in Jungle)
Highland Platemail
(-24% on Hills, -24% on Plains, +60% on Mountains, +20% in Forests)
Jungle Platemail
(-12% in Arctic, -12% in Desert, +30% in Jungle)
Light Platemail
(-4% Attack, -4% Cav Def, -4% Spear Def, -4% Bow Def, -4% Sword Def, +10% Move Speed)
Obsidian Platemail
(-4% Attack, -4% Cav Def, -4% Spear Def, -4% Bow Def, -6% Sword Def, -10% Move Speed, +200% Magic Res, +35% vs Undead)
Plainsman's Platemail
(-24% on Hills, +60% on Plains, +20% on Mountains, -24% in Forests)
Reinforced Platemail
(+80% Cav Def, -8% Spear Def, -8% Bow Def, -8% Sword Def)
Silversteel Platemail
(+40% Attack, +75% Cav Def, +75% Spear Def, +75% Bow Def, +75% Sword Def)
Spiked Platemail
(+10% Attack, -4% Cav Def, -4% Spear Def, -4% Bow Def, -4% Sword Def, +90% vs Monsterous, +50% vs Animals)
Thickened Platemail
(-4% Cav Def, +16% Spear Def, -4% Bow Def, -4% Sword Def)
Under-Padded Platemail
(-8% Cav Def, -8% Spear Def, -8% Bow Def, +80% Sword Def)
Upland Platemail
(+60% on Hills, +20% on Plains, -24% on Mountains, -24% in Forests)
Vanguard's Platemail
(+5% Attack, -4% Cav Def, -4% Spear Def, -4% Bow Def, -4% Sword Def)


Draught Horse
(+25% Move Speed) - Seige Units Only
Riding Horse
(+25% Move Speed) - Non-Mounted Units Only
Heavy Warhorse
(+5% Attack, -5% Move Speed, +10% Carry, -5% on Hills, -5% on Mountains, -5% in Forests, -5% in Arctic, -5% in Desert, -5% in Jungle)
Steady Warhorse
(+5% Magic Res)
Nimble Warhorse
(-8% Attack, +24% Cav Def, +24% Spear Def, +24% Bow Def, +24% Sword Def)
Elven Thoroughbred
(+15% Move Speed, -20% for Dwarves, -20% for Humans, -20% for Orcs)
(+20% Cav Def, +20% Spear Def, +20% Bow Def, +20% Sword Def, -5% on Hills, -15% on Mountains, -10% in Forests, -5% in Arctic, -5% in Desert, -5% in Jungle, -20% for Dwarves, -20% for Elves, -20% for Orcs)
Dwarven Battle Mule
(-5% Attack, -10% Move Speed, +20% on Hills, +20% on Mountains, -20% for Elves, -20% for Humans, -20% for Orcs)
War Wolf
(+10% Move Speed, +20% Carry, +20% on Hills, -20% for Dwarves, -20% for Elves, -20% for Humans)


