
Coin Master Society [Coin]

Founded By:Hiei (Abandoned) Founded On:08DEC16 19:31

 We are a friendly group of Crafters, Traders, Harvesters and Hunters. 


I will add more soon.


Territorial Boundaries [Totally stolen from aches profile]

These are generally the same as those observed across Illy.  Our members will respect these same boundaries regarding the territory of outside players and alliances but please keep in mind our players are still learning so if a mistake does happen please mail them about it. If it continues to happen please mail me (Monk). 

If you wish to settle or move within 10 squares of any of Coins settlements, please open negotiations first.  We welcome friendly neighbors, but please be considerate of our players as we will be of yours. 

We do not want settlements within 6 squares of any Coin member settlements. Our reasoning is thus: we believe that for any city to flourish fully it needs at least 3 squares of sovereignty around it; thus two cities within 6 squares would hamper both and lead to potential sov issues.  

We also hold resources on any squares within 5 squares of one of our towns and any squares we have claimed sovereignty or placed an army on to be our property, unless it has been previously negotiated. 

