
Vita et Morte [V*M]

Founded By:Shra'Kar (Abandoned) Founded On:10JUL16 14:37

We are a peaceful alliance. Just interested in hunting, crafting, and trading. We abide by the 10sq rule. As areas are crowded we sometimes share space with others, In that circumstance we ask for closer that 5 sq. to ask first. All other instances within 10 sq. we need communication to the fact. Any encampment within 5 sq. without notification of such will be considered hostile and handled accordingly. 

All Diplomatic issues, issues with members should go to Shra'Kar.

Invites can Be handle by Shra'Kar,Holt and Gorar

We are open to trading outside the markets so just ask if there is something you need, there is a chance we may have it on hand.

The alliance is to grow and help others, dont hesitate to ask, if We can help we will.


We are only accepting like minded Orcs and Dwarves into the fold at this time.
