
Realm's of Valor [RoV]

Founded By:Adilya (Abandoned) Founded On:08JUL16 18:41

                                                   When Valor Reigned

In an age when Kings and Queens led their people with Integrity and Honor, the people flourished.  The truth was paramount, the camaraderie was genuine, the celebration was joyous, and the lives of the leaders and the serfs were based upon trust and respect.

That age was long ago, but is constantly crying out for rebirth – a new beginning – a new opportunity to experience Valor and Truth at the behest of both Lord and lowly alike. 

Realms of Valor is for the player who wants to learn and grow, to share and receive.  Our focus is primarily hunting and harvesting, crafting and trade.  Make No Mistake – we will defend the needy and protect our own, but are ready to enter into agreements on the side of right, justice and fairness. 
