
Chaos [Chaos]

Founded By:Bruce Lee (Abandoned) Founded On:16APR16 02:32

                              The Powers Of Chaos Have Risen! 

Hordes of corrupted orcs, dwarves, humans and elves have spewed forth from the bowels of hell; finding unity under the horrid banner of Chaos, this abhorrent force of hellish aberrations seeks to spread corruption and conflict throughout the four corners of Illyriad. The forces of good have remained still for too long and shall soon give way to this torrential force of chaotic malevolence.

Chaos bled into Illyriad through the Madness of the Corrupt God Azhag, giving rise to the most dangerous foe to have ever blighted the earth. Brandishing the powers of corruption, madness and chaos, Azhag has set forth to raze the fragile peace that has been plaguing Illyriad for too long. It is said that those whom pledge their souls to the cause of Chaos receive terrible powers for the Dread God, Azhag, himself.


                                          Chaos' Land Claim

Effective as of May 21, 2016, Chaos [Chaos] claims the western most island of Glanhad and the other claim is for the eastern most island of Glanhad. 

All cities settled or exodused in the Chaos land claim prior to May 21, 2016 that were there before this claim are free to remain and continue to grow. Any cities settled or exodused into the land claim after May 21 that are not affiliated with Chaos [Chaos], Roman Empire [RE], Fairy Road Authority [Roads] or Love and Freedom [Laugh] will be asked to leave and/or removed by Chaos. Unaffiliated players who accidentally settle into the Chaos land claim can avoid removal by joining Chaos [Chaos], Roman Empire [RE], or Love and Freedom [Laugh]. Chaos offers players who need to relocate their cities via exodus assistance in finding new plots in the broken lands outside of the Chaos claim.  

Chaos has added a No-Claim Zone to the middle islands. No land claim alliance members may settle within this area, except for the members of Chaos [Chaos] or the Roman Empire [RE].

If you have any further questions related to the Chaos' claim, feel free to contact Azhag the Slaughterer, ALONE, or a Dark Council member.           

                                    For Diplomatic Relations 

Chaos has strict policies regarding settlement. We do not settle within 10 squares of other players and ask that those wanting too settle within 10 squares of a Chaos' city ask before settling. Do not send your city to exodus to a spot where we have troops and are guarding while a player relocates. 

We consider any resources within 10 squares of a city to belong to that city except in cases where 2 cities are very close. In those cases it is between the two players to work out an arrangement. If you send harvesters or armies within 10 squares of one of our cities without speaking to that person first you should not be suprised if you lose harvesters or troops. The rule of thumb is, ask first. We are very willing to work out arrangements that will be suitable to both parties. 

A warning to would-be spies; If you are discovered, it will result in an immediate declaration of war on the alliance you are from and forfeiture of your cities by siege.

If you have settlement issues with a member of Chaos, please contact Azhag the Slaughterer

If you are having issues with any member of Chaos, please contact ALONE.

                                        Requirements To Join 

We are seeking military minded players; We accept all races and sizes, and will happily teach new players the military side of the game. Although we do have some requirements... 

  • You are willing to relocate your cities to our homeland (around Glanhad). 
  • You have a population over 1,000.

If your interested in joining Chaos please mail Azhag the Slaughterer, ALONE, or a Dark Council member. We will answer as soon as possible as we are on daily.       


All abandoned/suspended/inactive accounts still in Chaos belong to us. Do not without prior approval from a council member attempt to siege a abandoned/suspended/inactive account.

                                               Times of War 

Chaos Spawn are also known as Non-Combatants, we do ask that in times of war, that these players be left alone. 
