
The Exchange [X_C]

Founded By:momiji Founded On:04APR16 17:24



we are a crafting group, who seek to lower thier expensences, while increasing thier profits by locating or using local items in order to craft thier products.

we heed the 10 square settling rule and the 5 sqaure harvesting rule, we expect and desire the same curtiousy.

our alliance was founded on the basis of 'hey im bored' 'me to' 'lets make an alliance' 'no' *poke poke* 'ok'

our name is based on a criminal syndicate, though we couldnt put the full name up since it was past the text limit

no matter the rank in the alliance, all players can craft, gather, hunt, or sell


For instances of alliance-wide attentions such as a merger we shall initiate a vote, said vote consists of  7 day period in which any single account holder may vote once regardless of rank or number of files present in the alliance, in the event of a majority before the time of the end of the vote we shall call it then, when the vote is finished we shall send a message to the affected party declaring said decision.

For diplomatic relations please message momiji or hollerina with the following information: diplomatic relations desired, reason for diplomatic relations, terms of diplomatic relation, and how this is effecting/effect both alliances.

For instances of player to player issues, please contact the player involved and one of the following people: momiji or hollerina, with all the applicable information, (if its a town placement issue, the player name, town names, and coordinates would be helpful) and we can attempt to work to the best of our ability to come to a solution that is profitable for all.


We offer a variety of trading goods and services, to see if we offer what you desire please mail hollerina or momiji. we have not tried to put up the list here due to the fact is changes somewhat frequently and thus it would be to troublesome in order to put a updated copy on here regularly. (please be specific with your order, we never know what pops up on occasion)


Executive - our board of directors, they are to steer the alliance into a profitable direction, with as few losses as possible

VP - our trusted experts as the best in thier specific field, but do not have the desire to truely lead the alliance

Shareholder - our senior tier, and only aquireable after 2 weeks of being in the alliance as well as being over 1000 population

Associate - entry rank, cannot vote, must be in alliance 2 weeks and have 1000 pop for access to true alliance features

Probationary - inactive for more than 14 days, given this rank an a igm of warning before they are removed and canabalized on the 28th day inactive


as a general rule of thumb, we dont accept people under 500 pop, however we try to recruit newbs of great potential at times

