
Holy Orc Reclaimers [=HOR=]

Founded By:Knight of Ancients Founded On:04APR16 02:09



How to Join:

  • You must be an Orc
  • Have to be a trader, military, or both trading and military player.
  • Must be an active player.
  • Must be willing to fight and die for the Holy Orc Reclaimers.

                                       Message Knight of Ancients for an invite.




  1. Non-Aggression Pacts(NAP) will be signed with alliances that are deemed to benifit the Holy Orc Reclaimers.
  2. Confederations will be signed with alliances that will directly benifit and will stand by the Holy Orc Reclaimers.
  3. Wars will be declared on alliances that are threatening the Holy Orc Reclaimers or a conquest of the land desired by the Holy Orc Reclaimers.
  4. Peace will happen if the any peace terms are agreed and signed.




I call upon you my orc brothers! Join us and we shall make an orc nation strong enough to make all fear! We shall reclaim our rightful land! Heed my call and join us!




