
Valar Dohaeris [White]

Founded By:Rygar. Founded On:01APR16 00:05


"All Men Must Serve"

Valar Dohaeris is the more peaceful, white guild of the Order of the House of Black and White.  For the militant black guild, Valar Morghulis, please visit here.



Greetings friends!  Welcome to the member driven, anti-establishment alliance, Valar Dohaeris!  We are all about  the freedom and the fun of a pure Illy experience, without the cookie cutter expectations and limitations pushed on members by vets and leadership in other alliances.  Here you will NOT be told where you must settle, what you must build, or how you must play.  And there will certainly be no spreadsheets or forms to fill out.  We believe an alliance exists to serve and support its members, not vice versa.


Our motto "All Men Must Serve", does not mean we serve our alliance vets or leaders; it means we are dedicated to mentoring and helping each other and the Illy community the way a family does. Together, we are comitted to providing the wisdom and tools our members need to make their goals a reality.  Teamwork makes the Dream work!


But do not mistake our kindness for weakness.  We refuse to be categorized into a traditional mold cast by the Illy status quo.  We reserve the right to carve our own destiny.  White is a mostly peaceful alliance, focused on growing, learning, crafting and trading.  But we will PvP from time to time, and when necessary, war to defend ourself and our members.  All races and experience levels are welcome.  You may come and go as you please without repercussion, and visitors are always welcome to stop by anytime.


To join Valar Dohaeris, journey to The Rift in northern Elgea.  Once there, you must let go your pre-conceived notions, inhibitions and oppressive false reality with which you have been subjected to thus far by the Illy establishment.  Next, you must open your mind, body and soul to the idea that there exists a realm within Illy where it is still possible to escape the drudgery of alliance leadership dictating how you must play; a place with no limitations and complete freedom to do as you please within the construct of the game.  Only after you have cast off your chains, cleansed your soul of its Illy demons, and attained enlightenment, may you enter the halls of Valar Dohaeris.

Abandoned Towns

Towns of former members are considered property of Valar Dohaeris [White].  If someone would like to negotiate for one then please contact Scoundrel.  

For an invite, or to learn more, please contact Scoundrel anytime, thanks!                                          
