
Oblivion [FATE]

Founded By:Barghest (Abandoned) Founded On:06MAR16 17:40

Become a voice that causes the heavens to tremble.


Contact Barghest now to begin your journey

About Us

The Oblivion Horde (FATE) is an alliance driven by honour and valour. Our members are noble champions - action and strength are valued above wordcraft. 

FATE offers a black and white approach to alliance matters. No jargon, no nonsense - just honesty, balanced advice and pragmatic gameplay. 

Our alliance gives a voice to those who fight for survival.


Our Sacred Words

We were a silent, hidden thought in the folds of oblivion, and we have become a voice that causes the heavens to tremble.  We were a faint spark buried in ash, but have become a fire blazing above the sheltered ravine.

Here is the ultimatum of our camp;

What can be smashed must be smashed; whatever will stand the blow is sound, what flies into smithereens is rubbish; at any rate, hit out right and left, no harm will or can come of it.


Joining Us - The road to glorious Oblivion




Surviving alone is impossible. A tribe has to work together and all its members have to trust each other. 

The Oblivion Horde relies on each member to do his/her part, to keep his/her oath to his family, to ensure survival.

Losing your cool in a fight, costing your tribe an able member, is the last thing you should do.

To join - there are only three requirements:

1.  You will have a strong sense of honour and iron discipline

2.  You must be willing to fight to defend the Oblivion Horde

3.  You must be willing to partially relocate to the Orken Coast

If you wish to join us then please contact Barghest


The provinces and territories of Oblivion




Our alliance occupies a large swath of land in the northern half of the Orken Coast - we will continue to view this region as our spiritual homeland.

As our alliance develops we envisage that we will continue to expand across the Orken Coast and into Shardlands and Calumex. During this time a presence in Elgea will also be maintained in order to support newer members.

It must be noted that whilst we wish to maintain a politically neutral stance when it comes to Land Claims, our alliance will not recognise any future land claims in these particular areas.  Our alliance will continue to freely settle, exo, and grow throughout The Orken Coast and in Shardlands/Calumex.

Oblivion have a vested interest in the island of Shqur-Mich-Kalj (west of The Orken Coast). 


Diplomacy, Statecraft and Foreign Policy




FATE is a neutral alliance. 

Our stance on all matters is informed by our own impartial observations and interactions with individual players and alliances. 

FATE prefers to seek diplomatic solutions before undertaking direct action - that being said we don't suffer fools gladly and we abhor senseless trouble-causers

Our alliance adheres to the 10 square rule for harvesting and settling cities - we expect our neighbours to afford us the same courtesy unless an agreement has been negotiated.  

If you feel that a member of FATE has wronged you or your alliance please contact Barghest and explain the situation. If you are an individual or alliance in need of assistance then feel free to contact us and we will try to help where possible.

If you would like to sign a NAP or Confederacy then contact us to discuss your proposal. Please do not be offended by our hesitation to enter into such partnerships. To discuss a trade agreement, please contact Octulus or Wickedness


Our Hierarchy







Great Khan - Khan of Khans

Khan - A leader of our tribe (second only to the Great Khan)

Ilkhan - This title refers to a trusted provincial Khan who rules as a subordinate to the Khans.

Zurag Khaalgach - A specialist role. A shamen tasked with the study and practice of keeping maps. He is trusted to identify the best possible sites for new settlements.

Ilkhan Aral - This title refers to a trusted provincial Khan - specifically one charged with an island province - who rules as a subordinate to the Khans

Yurtchi - A specialist role. The quartermaster of FATE

Orlok - A marshal of FATE. Generally applied to royal princes who have become blood-tied to the Khan.

Boyan - FATE nobility tasked with leading small groups of Nokud and Bahadur  

Bahadur - FATE nobility, generally organised into elite units. They act as the equivalent to knights.

Nokud - Free warrior-retainers of FATE. These are the loyal footsoldiers which make up our Horde.

Arad & Qarachu - FATE term for our commoner caste (those who are unproven).

Unaghan Boghul - Serfs

