
Goodbye friends [cya]

Founded By:Liu Bei Founded On:02MAR16 19:24



I've played illyriad for about six years, but this last has been off and on.

I came to this game when I wasa freshman or so, I think I was heading into my sophomore year of high school, and I didn't really have a lot of friends. I was looking for something that day, and found it, somewhere where I could interact with people and for a moment not feel like a waste of space, people that I could stand, or even those I didnt like I could just avoid them. Illy allowed me to continue to interact with people on a positive level, and while the community today is a lot different than what it was six years ago, thank you for giving me that.

I had a lot of issues over the years, and it took some time to grow out of most of them. I was immature, but I think we can agree that just comes with the age. Thankfully, beyond having a couple cities razed here and there, nothing was held against me. I started having a lot of fun once I began founding alliances, and while I had a difficult time hanging onto them it proved more fun to me on an adminstrator role than any warlord role that I could think of. I sraered having different goals with my alliances, this one will adopt a religion and become a cult, this will become a paranoid authoriatian state (TLR). 

I met great people here, Jejune, Bradley, Myr, Abstract (backstabbin' pig), Varvara, Josh and Botchface (who I had the oppurtunity to interact with beyond the game) and many more, Jtk, Grog/Shrapnel, the MODS that we no longer see, Strategos and Celeres, and the dev team for having this game as a hobby, and the Mcrow family. 

I don't have the time to play this anymore. Last year I wanted to join the Army, but my own failings I was discharged medically (had a plan for suicide) and now I'm investing my meager funds into a technical program. I just dont have time to play anymore, and I dont think I need this place to escape to as well.

Goodbye for good this time.

Take care, and enjoy what you make of this game.



Botchface and YARR have my blessing to have their way with my cities. Put them to good use, even if just a noob can use them. You can also have Nero's cities, he's my rl friend that only played because I did. 


