
The Holy Church [Holy]

Founded By:Lifeless (Abandoned) Founded On:29JAN16 11:49


                                 --------We are closed-------


The actions that are from King Sigerius are not sanctioned by The Holy Church.


                  "Sancta Ecclesia seeks pacem maxime diligatur."


                                            Story to come...


We accept all types of gamestyle players and will guide them through their chosen path.

Any Diplomatic relations with the alliance please be directed to the leadership of the alliance.

Pope~~ Head of The Church Trader of Purity~~ Trade Master
Emperor~~ Sovereign Lord of the Lands Priest~~ Recruiter of The Church
Archbishop~~ Hand of the Pope Zealot~~ Member
Bishop~~ Council Member Apostle~~ Starting rank


The Current Areas:

The areas of The Holy Church are located in Northern Elgea, Northmarch, and Glanhad.


Acts of Aggression:

Any acts of aggression(diplos, blights, military) against a member of The Holy Church will be seen as an declaration of war against The Holy Church and will be given full military focus against the alliance or player that is sending at a member of The Holy Church.



Diplomatic Matters:

We accept NAP's from allies that have a mutual agreement with our alliance.

We accept Confederations from alliances that suit us and that seek to be actual allies with The Holy Church. We seek to have confederations with alliances that will help us.

Any issues with the alliance please direct it to Lifeless or King Sigerius.

If you want to join message Lifeless or King Sigerius.
