
Lost Again [LOST]

Founded By:Lost A (Abandoned) Founded On:18NOV15 22:38

UPDATE 2017/07/07 WALLIS (Loki) Sieges inbound at all Lost A and Lost Alt city's

Loki have already demonstrated that they will use TA2IN and fCrow players to ensure their victory. Therefore this is not true PvP, this is Pv3 Alliances. As such this is no point defending my cities. I will use the last of my prestige to level them down.


UPDATE 2017/07/06 WALLIS (Loki) city of Purple Haze exodus' into Lost Again (LOST) Land Claim


This is provocation and will be dealt with accordingly.

Further information regarding this develepment can be found here: 


UPDATE 2017/07/03 Lost A the biggest baddest bully in all of Illyriad


UPDATE 2017/06/30 Threats through GC, IGM or PC.

Players using threatening language, subtle or otherwise will be ignored.

Solutions to problems can be found by using non-threatening communication. Learning to resolve problems without resorting to the use of threatening language, subtle or otherwise has real world benefits.

Players resorting to threatening language, subtle or otherwise, in my experience typically don't want to resolve problem, but in-flame them instead.

Cheers, LA.


UPDATE 2017/06/29 Terraforms required

Tile 55537 (plains with sheep)



Paying 25M per terraform.


UPDATE 2017/06/27 Building 1 Million Knights

Resources and equipment required:

Total Name Comment
2,000,000 Horse Nearly there - use market for shortfall
1,000,000 Spear Obtained
2,000,000 Saddle Need serious help
1,000,000 Chainmail Nearly there
1,000,000 Plate Armour Nearly there
1,000,000 Beer Nearly there
6,000,000 Gold Done (easiest bit)
4,000,000 Livestock For saddles - need help

If there are any players interested in helping me with this goal, all I need are saddles or livestock.

Market value of a saddle is on average 1,000 gold pieces. Building 1M T2 Knights would require 2M saddles. This means a market value of 2T gold pieces just for the saddles alone! Crikey

Is this a pipe dream? Is this really obtainable? I'll certainly try.

I think I'll create a more detailed spreadsheet, drilling down into all resources required, including basics. Shouldn't take too long.


UPDATE 2017/06/22 Value of Land Claim

Since moving my cities from Elgea to the land claim in Broken Lands, I have paid in gold for a large number of Terraform squares.

To date: 22 Terraforms @ 30M Gold each = 660M Gold

As I am planning an additional 40+ Terraforms, this could see the value of the land claim grow to 1.8B Gold. 

My Terraforms are mainly 55537 (plains with sheep on it) as they are excellent for large Cavalry army holding cities.


UPDATE 2017/06/15 Expansion of existing land claim

Lost Again (LOST) Alliance hereby declares an expansion to the existing land claim in the top most section of Newlands in Broken Lands.

The reason for the expansion is to accomodate up to 40 new cities as I expand both accounts to 30+ cities each and to provide a more clearly defined border using natural geographical features and boundaries.


Lost Again (LOST) Alliance Land Claim Expansion

 New Lost Again Land Claim

















All cities currently within the bounds of this area are granted exempt from the terms of this claim.  However, in the event that exempt cities are exodused out of the claim, or if any exempt cities disappear due to player abandonment or by other means, the former location of the city is no long exempt, and no city will be allowed to replace the former exempt city except by the permission of Lost Again (LOST).

The intent of this claim is to provide a compact, desirable space for Lost Again (LOST) to concentrate its cities as it grows.  The majority of all Lost Again (LOST) cities will be located within this claim.  Lost Again (LOST) reserves the right to settle their cities within the claim as they desire, and expect the alliances represented by the exempt cities to grant temporary confederates to Lost Again (LOST) to allow the placement of cities within the 10 square minimum.

The terms of this claim prohibit the harvesting of any resources within the claim, except by the express permission of Lost Again (LOST).  Warfare in the claim without the express permission of Lost Again (LOST) is not permitted.  Any armies camping in the claim, including siege armies, without permission will be attacked without warning.

Lost Again (LOST) reserves the right to conduct itself within the claim as it sees fit, including the use of military and diplomatic forces to maintain order through intelligence-gathering and threat neutralization.

Cities appearing in the claim without permission (exodus, tenaril, settling) will be given seven days to relocate.  Failure to relocate in that time will result in Lost Again (LOST) sieging the city to raze. Players moving settling or exodusing close to Lost Again [LOST] land claim border will make allowance for a 10 tile 'no-man's land' extending outside the perimeter of the land claim borders. Lost Again [LOST] Reserves the right to modify its borders at any time as it sees fit. 

Anyone wishing an exemption to this claim must apply to Lost Again (LOST) for consideration.


UPDATE 2017/05/02 2nd Player Tourney Results

Tourney Square 151/-2031 (Newlands)

Lost Again (LOST) Alliance claims 2nd place on Newlands square. This is the first time the alliance has participated in a player run tourney.


Lost Again (LOST) Claimed the largest successful hit on the Newlands tourney square for the entire duration of the tourney. 18,093 Lives lost against 5,436 attacking troops.




















UPDATE 2017/02/20 Plans for 2017

I am predicting that 2017 will be a busy time in RL for me, with a new business starting up and lots of home renovating to do. I've been mulling getting to 30 cities for years. So now that the SPAW is over, my focus for 2017 will be to begin the processes of obtaining up to 30 cities in total. On my estimates I could be looking for new cities around mid year, with the full process taking an additional 12 months after that after which I will begin the same on my Alt account. In preparation for this new focus, military has already been heavily reduced and sov converted to resource production. I am allowing up to two years to complete the task, have all cities in my land claim and be at maximum population growth.

This plan for 2017 fits in well with my ultimate goal of building 1M Knights. As it will probably take 30 cities in each account for build and provide gold to maintain them. It will be an interesting endeavour.



From today, Lost Again (LOST) has suspended all wars and offered peace to SPA players. Lost Again (LOST) intends to pursue other aspects of the game.


UPDATE 2017/01/30 1,000 Alliances removed from Illyriad

With the observation that up to 1,000 Alliances have been removed from Illyriad, Lost Again (LOST) has yet to consider and decide what impact and directiton this will take on their SPAW (Single Person Alliance War). Unfil further notice Lost Again (LOST) will persue any current and pending wars.



Lost Again (LOST) alliance is declaring war on SPA's (Single Person Alliances). I will not speculate or provide reasons for this action until the SPAW has been concluded.

1. Hostile activities by Lost Again (LOST) alliance will not begin until a four week grace period after initial war declaration has commenced to allow time for diplomacy measures.

2. If hostile actions have begun against Lost Again (LOST) alliance from a declared upon single person alliances before the grace period has expired, Lost Again (LOST) will not communication directly with any player from the hostile alliance. Communication will be done through a third party of the choosing of the declared upon alliance. If Lost Again (LOST) is unsatisfied with the third party choosen by the declared upon single person alliance for any reason, another will be provided.

3. Actions of un-allied non-affilliated players of the declared upon single person alliance who engage in any hostile activities against Lost Again (LOST) alliance during this time will be noted and dealt with at an appropriate time to Lost Again (LOST) alliance. Lost Again (LOST) will not communicated directly with any player behaving in this way. Communication will be done through a third party of the choosing of the player. If Lost Again (LOST) is unsatisfied with the third party chosen by the player for any reason, another will be provided.

4. Hostile actions of other alliance players non-affilitated with the declared upon single person alliance will be dealt with immediately by Lost Again (LOST). By taking such actions the player agrees to forego their alliance protection and will engage in direct PvP manner until surrender or diplomacy is reached. In such circumstances, communication with the player will be suspended and all communication will be through the head of their alliance. If the player leaves their alliance or is booted for whatever reason, Lost Again (LOST) will not communicate directly with the player. Communication will be done through a third party of the choosing of the player. If Lost Again (LOST) is unsatisfied with the third party chosen by the player for any reason, another will be provided.

5. If third party communication cannot be provided by the player for any reason, one will be provided to them of Lost Again (LOST) choosing.

6. If hostile player ignores or refuses to engage in any communication with Lost Again (LOST) alliance compensation will be paid at a rate of 1M gold per day to Lost Again (LOST) until communication begins or resumes.

7. If a hostile player refuses to pay compensation, Lost Again (LOST) will recover the amount due using any method available to them without recourse.

8. War declarations and hostile activities from Lost Again (LOST) alliance against single player alliances can be unnulled simply by; 1. Player abandoning single player alliance, or 2. Providing valid reason for maintaining a single player alliance. After which all hostile activities will cease.


UPDATE 2016/08/09

Trade Hub Activity:

  • Trading Hub Name: Status; Activity
  • Centrum: Trading, less active.
  • Trottingham: Exited 2016/09/23; all sold.
  • Pellimont: Exited 2016/08/25; all sold.
  • Hastelbury: Exited 2016/08/01; all sold.
  • Woodsedge: Exited; all sold.
  • Tringar Trading Post: Exited 2016/09/19; all sold.
  • Kala Mahlarg: Exited 2016/08/14; all sold
  • Qingdao: Exiting hub, sell all
  • Zhuhai: Exited 2016/07/22, all sold
  • Apaxy: Exited 2016/0625; all sold
  • Tiena; Exited hub 2017/01/26 all sold
  • Scio; Trading; very active
  • Memor; Trading; very active
  • Nderurk Barracks; Exiting; sell all
  • Damquka; Exited 2016/06/03; all sold
  • Qi Quien, Exited 2016/08/11; all sold

NB: Hubs that I am currently exiting are selling resources fairly cheap, however I would consider discounting bulk lots. 1/2 Billion in basic resources must be sold. Make an offer.


UPDATE 2016/05/10

Positions Vacant:

Lost Again requires players active in;

  • Trading and Gold production.
  • Terraforming.
  • Troop production.
  • Crafters.

Please apply to Lost A for consideration.


2016/03/08 Lost A generates 1 Million Experience points attacking NPC's in just 30 days






UPDATE 2015/12/14

Lost Again (LOST) has decided to declare a land claim in Newlands, effective immediately, bordered as follows:

  • Northwest Corner:         126, -1870
  • Northeast Corner:          180, -1870
  • Southeast Corner:          126, -1938
  • Southwest Corner:         180, -1938

All cities currently within the bounds of this area are granted exempt from the terms of this claim.  However, in the event that exempt cities are exodused out of the claim, or if any exempt cities disappear due to player abandonment or by other means, the former location of the city is no long exempt, and no city will be allowed to replace the former exempt city except by the permission of Lost Again (LOST).

The intent of this claim is to provide a compact, desirable space for Lost Again (LOST) to concentrate its cities as it grows.  The majority of all Lost Again (LOST) cities will be located within this claim.  Lost Again (LOST) reserves the right to settle their cities within the claim as they desire, and expect the alliances represented by the exempt cities to grant temporary confederates to Lost Again (LOST) to allow the placement of cities within the 10 square minimum.

The terms of this claim prohibit the harvesting of any resources within the claim, except by the express permission of Lost Again (LOST).  Warfare in the claim without the express permission of Lost Again (LOST) is not permitted.  Any armies camping in the claim, including siege armies, without permission will be attacked without warning.

Lost Again (LOST) reserves the right to conduct itself within the claim as it sees fit, including the use of military and diplomatic forces to maintain order through intelligence-gathering and threat neutralization.

Cities appearing in the claim without permission (exodus, tenaril, settling) will be given seven days to relocate.  Failure to relocate in that time will result in Lost Again (LOST) sieging the city to raze. Players moving settling or exodusing close to Lost Again [LOST] land claim border will make allowance for a 10 tile 'no-man's land' extending outside the perimeter of the land claim borders. Lost Again [LOST] Reserves the right to modify its borders at any time as it sees fit. 

Anyone wishing an exemption to this claim must apply to Lost Again (LOST) for consideration.


