
Riddlers of the Fox [Ridle]

Founded By:Shax Founded On:25SEP15 13:30


                                              - I have no legs, but I still dance. -

                                            - I have no lungs, but I still breathe. -

                                              - I have no life, but I still may die. -

                                                - Feed me and I grow strong, -

                                            - Give me a drink and I shall perish. -


                              The Riddlers of the Fox



                   Patience! Wisdom! Intelligence! Adaptability!

Often associated with the figure of the trickster, the fox can also turn into a teacher providing guidance on finding your way around obstacles. If you follow the fox’s wisdom, you may be called to use or develop quick thinking and adaptability. Responsive, sometimes cunning, this animal is a great guide when you are facing tricky situations.


People of the fox can be high strung or exceedingly calm, charismatic or mysterious, prone to stand out or blend in, keep peace or make mischief.



                                                      - What is greater than God, -

                                                       - More evil than the devil, -

                                                          - The poor have it, -

                                                          - The rich need it, -

                                                    - And if you eat it, you'll die? -


Aim of the Fox

The riddlers of the fox believe power lies in intelligence and adaptability. As such the alliance believes in inspiring its members into developing a quick mind. Members are expected to remain open minded and to try and be flexible in their thinking.


This alliance aims to act as a teacher to those who lack knowledge and try to nurture new players by offering them insight into the workings of Illyriad and providing them with resources in order to build their initial cities.


We are not only a training alliance however, for we aim to grow into a larger alliance which spreads across the continents in order to gather intelligence on the entirety of Illyriad. Even though our initial base of operations is stationed on the southern continent, in the lands of Coanhara, we hope one day our cities will be seen all over the known world.


A free Coanhara

We are strong supporters of a free Coanhara and Oarnamly! We believe in free settling rights for everyone (although we do believe in the 10-square rule). The majority of our cities are in these lands and we will not accept any landclaims in the area, nor wil we make landclaims ourselves. If anyone does make a claim, we will reach out through diplomatic means first, but if necessary, we will work together with other alliances and neutral parties to protect our right to settle, hunt and gather wherever we like.



                                                    - I have cities but no houses, -

                                                         - Lakes but no water, -

                                                        - Forests but no trees, -

                                                   - And mountains but no rocks. -



Rules of the Riddlers

1. Hostilities against Fox members are strictly prohibited. Members may defend themselves or retaliate against any hostile action and can count on the full military support of the alliance.


2. Members of the Fox are forbidden to declare war or perform any hostile actions upon any other player without the approval of the alliance leadership. Those who decide to go against this decree will lose the support of the alliance and will stand alone in their present (and possibly future) conflicts.


3. Members of the Fox pledge their armed forces to the alliance in order to defend any fellow member from enemies. In times of peace, the member’s armies are their own to command.


4. Whenever a member of the Fox is having problems with another player, the member will announce this fact to the alliance leadership so they may try to solve the problem without the need for (further) bloodshed.


5. Members of the Fox are forbidden to settle within ten squares of another player’s city unless they have received the other player’s or the leadership’s permission.


6. Other players are not allowed to settle within ten squares of a city owned by a Fox member unless they have received the member’s or the leadership’s permission.


7. Both members of the Fox and other players are forbidden to occupy, harvest or claim sovereignty within five squares of a city owned by another player unless they have received the player’s or the leadership’s permission.



                                                 - What can run but never walks, -

                                                  - Has a mouth but never talks, -

                                                  - Has a bed but never sleeps, -

                                                 - Has a head but never weeps. -



If you have questions about the alliance or wish to join, please contact either Shax or anyone else in leadership (the Knights), they will respond as soon as possible.


For diplomatic situation, you can contact Shax and/or Rightbank, they will try to handle any situations as soon as possible.




