
The Sharp Shooters [~SS~]

Founded By:Kaleran Founded On:21SEP15 22:59



The home of honest, humble and hard working players who strive for excellence across all aspects of play




We aim to play a clean game filled with adventure, excitement and strategy. We strive to be an open alliance that values every member regardless of stature. All opinions are heard and considered, and decisions are made collectively by a democratic council to ensure they benefit our members. Trust and loyalty are the forefront values of our establishment which we hope will converge into the forging of great friendships and fun memories for all.

We are not aggressive by nature but we are always honing our military skills. This will keep us prepared when exhaustive diplomatic efforts fail, and we have no choice but to descend into battle, however, we hope it never comes to this.

We enjoy the mathematical and statistical element of the game and are continuously striving to find an optimum balance in our game play.  




The alliance welcomes mature players who are both social and goal driven


·         The alliance IS currently recruiting

·         You must have a minimum population of 100

·         You should be willing to exodus (move) towns to the alliance hub (see bottom of page for region)

·         You must be active. This entails (if no prior notification via mail is received):

Ø Less than 450 population – kicked after 2 weeks of inactivity

Ø Less than 1k population – kicked after 3 weeks of inactivity

Ø Less than 2k population – kicked after 6 weeks of inactivity

Ø Less than 5k population – kicked after 3 months of inactivity

Ø Greater than 5k population – Your towns will be used for alliance gain after 3 months of inactivity

·         You should keep a minimum number of troops regardless of playing path

·         You should be active in alliance chat and participate in alliance and server operations

·         Immature and easily offended players need not apply






  • The alliance promises to act in a manner that serves in the best interest of its members in all situations.


  •  All members will be treated with respect.


  • New players can expect sufficient resources to hit the ground running, but more importantly, they will receive  an abundance of valuable information and advice in order to be self sufficient and find their desired path.


  • The alliance promises to convey as much information (in all situations) as possible to its members to ensure everyone feels comfortable at all times.


  • Alliance taxes (1% subject to change) will be used to aid new players, fund alliance operations and serve as a safety for emergency situations. 




  • Always remain respectful to all players. Deliberate disrespectful behaviour will result in an immediate termination of your membership and possibly further consequences such as military action or a formal complaint to the game developers.


  • Don’t be afraid to ask questions. The faster you learn the better for the team!


  • The alliance promotes mature intellectual discussions and debates but prohibits emotional bickering. Unnecessary drama will not be tolerated.


  •  Never taint the reputation of the alliance via actions or words in the global community.


  • Never lie or find ways to cheat the community and/or the alliance. This defeats the purpose of playing a clean game and ruins the experience for others. Consequences mentioned in the first point apply.


  • Speak to a council member if you have any concerns/problems regarding members/situations within/outside the alliance. Issues with a member of another alliance must be brought to a council member’s attention and the issue will be handled between alliance representatives. Never act against a player on your own. You represent the entire alliance and your actions affect our reputation.   


  • Help each other, especially new comers regardless of alliance affiliation.


  • Alliance members are free to leave the alliance. We do ask that you notify leadership prior to your depature. You may be asked to move your cities as your locations are considered alliance spots.


  • Familiarise yourself and adhere to Illyriad’s Code of Conduct and Terms and Conditions. Refrain from breaking any rules as this can result in a permanent ban of your account or worse, an IP Address ban, meaning you will never be able to return, even as a new player. Again, this will affect the alliance reputation.


  • Lastly, have fun! 




For diplomatic relations please contact Lord Kaleran or any of his advisories.


  • Diplomatic relations including confederations and non-aggressive pacts with other alliances are opened for discussion. However, we will not directly participate in another alliance’s war, nor do we expect the same courtesy.    


  • The alliance does not settle cities within 10 squares of others without approval and as such we expect the same courtesy.   


  • The alliance considers all space within a 10 square radius of a city to belong to said city, inclusive of all types of resources available on the square. As such harvesting/occupying any of these squares is strictly prohibited. In the case this does occur, resources must be returned or compensation must be paid in gold. We will adhere to this rule in relation to outside cities. All resources within 10 squares of 2 cities but not within 5 squares of either are fair game to both.


  • All hides and animal parts in a 10 square radius of a member’s city resulting from said member’s kill belongs to said member and harvesting of these is strictly prohibited. If 2 cities are within a 10 square radius, the player who kill’s the NPC owns the rights to the resources.


  • Accidents regarding the above 3 points do occur, and as such, a thorough diplomatic solution will be attempted before any military intervention is required.


  • We will never attempt to poach a player from another alliance. This does not mean we won’t accept them if they seek us out. If you are capable of poaching a player from our ranks, by all means, please take them. However, they may be asked to move their cities as their tiles are considered property of the alliance, not the individual player. 



The middle block represents the focal point where most towns will hopefully be located



 Something to think about:

The extent of offense felt, is dependent on how much you choose to take, as it can never be given, only attempted to. 
