
The Wolf Pack [WOLF]

Founded By:Chef Militaire (Abandoned) Founded On:16SEP15 01:06




“We The Wolf Pack”

We recruit those with the heart and spirit of the warrior.  Those who would rather face the challenge of carving out a life on the last frontier, than the existence of a tiny cog in a mighty machine.  Those who would rather, sword in hand, face the ferocious ice-bear in her lair and in risking all, win the right for space to live and breathe free.

Not for us the hollow, vain glory of backing the right superpower, of riding the coat tails of another’s victory.  Our triumphs (and indeed our failure should the Gods so decree), will be our own, on our own terms and paid for with our own blood.

Resource Policy

The preferred method of making a claim to rare herbs and minerals is to claim sovereignty or place an army at the location of the resource.  We do ask that if you would like to harvest rare herbs and minerals within 10 squares of any Wolf Pack city that you please contact the city owner. 
The Wolf Pack reserves the right to ask that you do not hunt, occupy and/or gather within 10 squares of any Wolf Pack city without prior notification via IGM. Prior communication will ensure that any act of this type will not be seen as aggressive.


The Tribe

The Tribe is an alliance of those who dare the path less trodden, choosing life in a wild land, over the stifling world of superpower alliances and their politics.  We reject life anonymous amongst the seething masses of civilisation and choose instead the last frontier, The Long White, room to breathe and to grow.  The rewards for establishing busy trade hubs that will serve the entire region in this resource rich wilderness are beyond estimation.  It is there for the taking for those with the vision and determination to make it happen.

Living far from the active trade centres, in order to flourish our off-grid alliance must be self-sufficient and grow as rapidly as possible.  To achieve the fastest growth the alliance is divided into clans.  Each clan is self-governing with a leader and a council of elders.  Each clan is to specialise in what it’s members do best and is responsible for meeting that role for the entire tribe.  Each clan is dependent on the other, but able to develop itself in the way most suited to fulfilling it’s role within the tribe.  This allows the building of specialised cities much earlier and gives players freedom to concentrate and excel in the aspects of the game they enjoy most.

The Wolf Pack is the military wing of the tribe and needs little explanation.


“We The Wolf Pack!”
