
Brotherhood Of Steel [BOS]

Founded By:Zraznarg (Abandoned) Founded On:23JUL15 11:53


The Brotherhood Of Steel

Land settlement-The Brotherhood of Steel is settling the western end of Huronire, just north of the country of Northmarch. All of the players who are already settled here are not expected to move. This is by no means a land claim it is just the area in which our alliance is moving too. We wish to live in peace with our neighbors and will help them in all ways possible.

The Ideals of the Brotherhood

The Brotherhood is a neo-knightly order created out of the ashes from the remants of the Legion. The organization's tenets include the eradication of all evil and faulse god worshipers. The Brotherhood has then since moved itself to the frontier of society which is the Broken Lands.

The Brotherhood as always been portrayed as aloof, but as the time went on the Brotherhood had grew to their surroundings and soon started to deal with the outsiders. Then soon we started to trade with outside tribes and civilizations thus starting relationships with others. The Brotherhood believes in complete law and order and wish to spred those beliefs across the Broken Lands, wanting bring balance and order to all the savages of the Broken Lands.

The Codex

The Codex is the book writen by the High Elder, which is all the rules and the true beliefs of the Brotherhood.

1. You will bring success and peace to your fello brothers and sisters of the Brotherhood, you will not bare them pain and suffering through your actions.

2. We the Brotherhhod believe in the 10 sq. rule

3. We the Brotherhood believe in being honest in all pursuits.

4. You will fight for the honor of the Brotherhood even if that means facing death.

5. You will tell no secrets to any outsiders and only keep them within the Brotherhood.

6. You will swear your entire loyalty and lay down your life for the Brotherhood.

7. You will not try and pick fights with any fellow alliances, but give them and their members your complete respect.

8. You will obey all orders from any superior officer and will not question any orders given.

9. You will respect all members within the Brotherhood as well, a higher rank or not.

10. You will swear your entire loyalty to the High Elder.

The Brotherhood believes in the God known as the Creator. The Creator has brought us all here for one reason and that is to eradicate all evil and false god worshippers. We also create a loyalty to the Creator and will also give up our lives for the Creator no matter the costs.

We grow will grow a strong relationship with the surrounding allliances, trying to get to know our enviorment as well. As a Brotherhood member you are responsible for getting to understand the beliefs and teaching of the Brotherhood along with understanding how we deal with outsiders.

The Brotherhood treats all outsiders the same, we respect all ways and teaching even though we may not agree with them, but if any outsider would happen to do outstanding work for the brotherhood and showing a sign of courage and fortitude they will be offered a spot within the Brotherhood but also will be awarded the metal for an outsider which is very difficult to acheive. If any outsider would happen to get in the way of the Brotherhood you will have one warning and one warning only after that you will be hunted down until the job is completle.

The Goverment

The Brotherhood has a different goverment system from all other alliance the Brotherhood as seen out in the Broken Lands. We first start with the High Elder who controls all of the Brotherhood, he/she is there to over see everything that happens and to step-in if the problem is very bad or a very great deed is done. Then below him or the council of Elders who make sure everyone is doing there jobs and can also lead chapters. The there is the council of the Three which is made of the Head Paladin who is head of the military, Head Knight who is head of all productions and normal feet soldeirs, then lastly the Head Scribe who is in charge of all diplomatic and tradeing projects.

The Chain that Bind

The Chain That Binds is a system made to make sure no one has complete power within the Brotherhood besides the High Elder. The Elders must tell the any of the council of three to do something that involves their branch they can't just go tell a random Paladin to do something without the Head Paladin giving the orders. If an Elder would do so they would be dismissed and the Head Paladin would replace the Elder and which ever branch the Elder came from he would go back to that branch. The Council of the Three are only able to give orders to their branch they aren't able to give orders to the other branches without the other Head agreeing to the order unless the High Elder would overide the order. If a Head would do this they would be dismissed and then be forced to go back to their old branch where they would be replaced. 


A chapter is lead by a Elder choosen by the High Elder to lead a few selected members of the Brotherhood to make another alliance which still answers to the High Elder. They will have the same rank as the main Brotherhood but the highest rank will only be Elder, the Elder that is in charge of the chapter is still a member of the main Elder council.



High Elder- Leader of the entire Brotherhood

Elder- Leader of a chapter and member of the Elder Council

Council of the Three

Head Paladin- Head of the military and also in charge of all planned attacks, assualts and the Paladins who he/she picks personally.

Head Knight- Head of all the foot soldeirs and helps the Head Paladin with all the military attacks, in charge of orginizing trade camps/routes, making forts and camps. He/she is also responsible for taking inventory of all military equipment and making sure the military gets their weapons and all.

Head Scribe- Head of all the Scribes as well as in charge of all diplomatic matters along with trading as well. The Head Scribe will keep records of all the money and supplies leaving and coming into the Brotherhood.

Special Ranks

Senoir Knight- In charge of making and destributing all the military equitments, along with leaders of trade camps and keeping the military fully stocked just in case of any wars. They also keep records on all city location within the Brotherhood along with finding new Locations for members.

Senior Scribe- In charge of keeping records of all the new members and teaching them either military, diplomatic things, trade, and crafting. They will also assist the Senior Knight with all trade camps.

Standard Ranks

Paladins- Are hand picked by the Head Paladin and are squad leaders, they hold down outposts and lead their squad of 2 knights into battle.

Knights- The standard foot soldeirs and also responsible for keeping the military stocked on supplies.

Scribe- Will assist the Head Scribe on keeping records on all trading movemnts, money, and making trade deals along with keeping up on Brotherhood news.

Initiate- The starter rank of the Brotherhood, they will get to choose what they learn once they are ready.


If anyone has an isue with any member or a problem with with a member please contact waste your IGM will be returned as soon as possible to resolve the isse Thank You


All Diplomatic Requests Needs to Come Through Waste Please
