
Log Horizon [YOKO]

Founded By:chibi_kitsune (Abandoned) Founded On:01JUL15 23:18


General Info

Log Horizon (YOKO) was formed on 1st July 2015 by the charismatic leader chibi_kitsune. Despite being relatively newer and smaller than the top-ranking Alliances, chibi's recruitment methods have proved extremely effective, bringing in six members in the first day alone. We are currently based at Coanhara and Silbeaur. 

The members of YOKO are a friendly group of players who want nothing more than to help the development of newer players, as well as help the Alliance achieve greater heights. All of us are active players and you will always have somebody to talk with. Our alliance chat is extremely active and many discussions take place there.

Other than that, the Alliance still has many growth opportunities, and the apparent member count means that if you join, you could become a high-ranking member within a week. This is a rare chance that few people ever get.



YOKO is open to all diplomatic enquiries. Please direct all diplomatic enquiries to chibi_kitsune.

Current Diplomatic Relations

Confederation with Night Shadows [SHAD]

NAP with Illyria Fairy Nation [FAIRY]

NAP with Broken Blades [BB]

NAP with Blood Moon [MOON]

NAP with The Cave [CAVE]

NAP with Dark Star Armoury [DSA]

NAP with The Fellowship [TFotR]

NAP with Knights Templar [~KT~]

NAP with Shu-Han [HAN]

NAP with Pandemonium [PaDem]



We have Neutral relations with all other Alliances not mentioned above.
