
Screaming Monkeys [SCM]

Founded By:Yargelsnogger Founded On:16FEB15 01:13

Our Mantra:

To err is Human. To er is Monkey.

Our History:

From humble beginning in our own Home Trees, we grew peacefully but needed more trees upon which to hang. In swinging onto uncharted trees, we discovered monkeys of different stripes, but similar affinities for bananas.
Finding common cause, we forged a nation-state of city-trees from which we could spread our wisdom and gather more bananas.
As the origin of all tool-wielding bipeds, we find solace in peaceful but unyielding growth; these bananas won't harvest themselves!
In growth, we'll share of our bounty of fruits, leaves, and nuts with those willing to partake.
As a young nation-state in the Broken Lands, we welcome friendly relations with our neighbors and wish only to peacefully expand amongst the trees.

Simian Commandments:

Hey monkeys, I was just up in those hills and found three slabs of stone with writing etched into them.  They are a bunch of weird commands and life tips.  I say we arbitrarily choose to start following them!
1) Thou shalt not use the true name of the monkey king!
2) Don't feed the primates.
3) Better to remain silent and be thought a primate than to speak out and remove all doubt.
4) Primates rush in where primates fear to tread.
5) An idle mind is the primates playground.
6) Don't beat a dead primate.
7) Better to ignite a primate than curse the darkness.
8) Go out in a blaze of primates
9) Home is where you hang your primate.
10) Keep your nose to the primate
11) Know which side your primates is buttered on
12) People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw primates.
13) Sticks and stones will break your primates, but words will never hurt them.
14) Get with a primate!
15) Never suffer a Brigante to live!
Wiki with a few tidbits on it (Full Build Charts for all buildings)

