
The Sanctuary [HIGH]

Founded By:Player 259762 Founded On:03FEB15 14:18

HIGH Knights of The Sanctuary live by these things:






We are Honorable.  HIGH Knights understand being Honored is not the purpose, but the result of a gracious life.  As HIGH Knights of The Sanctuary we strive to honor all good Knights, whether part of our alliance or not, and to honor our commitments, to honor our leaders, and most of all, to seek and honor the truth wherever it may be found.

To have Integrity.  Integrity is the quality of saying what you mean, meaning what you say, and following through.  We strive to be articulate, accurate, and strong.  We strive to always tell the truth as we understand it, knowing that how we understand it may be in error and rejoicing if such errors are revealed to us.  We do not fudge, stretch, or otherwise distort the truth, and if we don't know we simply say, "I don't know."  And when we find ourselves to have acted or spoken with less than full Integrity, we simply say, "I am sorry" and try to do better.

We are Generous.  It is easy to make a point, it is much harder to acknowledge one made.  We strive to recognize and admit when the other party has revealed a good argument, articulated a well thought out position, or otherwise "scored a point" in a discussion.  We are not afraid to "lose" a debate because we know that the stronger argument is probably what our opinion should be.  Thus, we are generous in giving praise, and gracious in receiving praise.

To be Humble.  This is the highest goal we set for ourselves.  For it is impossible to Honorable, keep our Integrity, or to be truly Generous, except if we are Humble.  In discussion we therefore attempt to maintain the attitude that there is much we do not know, and that we may find new understanding from even the least of our members.  Thus, we listen carefully.  We ponder the words of our friends, for we are all friends here.  We do not engage with "shoot from the hip" arguments, but in careful correspondence.
