
Guardians of Azura [AZURA]

Founded By:Artefore Founded On:11JAN15 03:15

They say the Bitter Sea sea holds many secrets.  Beneath those azure waves lie mysteries beyond number.  Sunken ships carrying the fortunes of forgotten kings litter the murky floor, and leviathans of untold size slumber for centuries, undisturbed by the comings and goings of the world above them.  But occasionally, if the tides are right, and if the currents are favorable, something will rise up from the depths, and find its way onto the soft peach crescents of beach of Azura.  They call those who watch for these artifacts the Guardians of Azura.  Many consider us scavengers, little more than opportunists waiting for a treasure trove to wash up onto our beaches.  But they forget the terrors that the waters hold, and they forget that when these terrors rise out of the waves, we are not the ones who flee.  We are the ones who fight, and who drive back the monsters of the depths, so that others might fish in peace along the shore, and so that young children may grow old without knowing true fear.  We are the true guardians of this land, and so it has been for time immemorial.

  • We are a proud member of the Dark Star Dominion, and will fight with them against all foes who might threaten us.  
  • We ask that you contact the Wavelord if you have any issues with the alliance or would like to offer us a NAP.
  • We do not accept Confederations outside of the Dark Star Dominion.
  • We ask that you do not settle any cities within 10 squares of us without the permission of the player you wish to settle near.  
  • We ask that you do not harvest or place any armies within 5 squares of any of our cities without the permission of the player who owns the city.  
  • We accept any players who are over 50 population, willing to be an active part of the alliance and who will move to our hub in Azura.  Contact the Wavelord for details. 
  • We do not accept any players who have been at war with us or the Dark Star Dominion.
  • We are a military alliance, and will fight back if provoked.


  1. The Dark Star Dominion is a group of autonomous alliances that have entered into an exclusive Confederation with the express intent of mutual defense.
  2. The autonomy of each member alliance is implicit and will in no way be hindered, subdued or jeopardized by the actions of any other member, or the Dominion as a whole.
  3. The Dark Star Dominion is governed by unanimous consent and operates without a head of government. 



Guardians of Azura

The Colonist Empire

Dark Blight

Dark Star Armory

Dwarven Lords

Roman Empire
