
Mercator Sanctum [MS4U]

Founded By:Kintec Founded On:10JAN15 02:47

Mercator Sanctum strives to excel at trading while promoting our membership to actively pursue their interests within the lands of Elgea.  We appreciate the individualistic play styles that has formed a basis for our alliance, however we mutually defend these principles rigorously so that the weak are defended and justice is serveed to those that spread tyranny.

The Broken Lands


Diplomacy For diplomatic issues, alliance treaties or problems regarding any Mercator Sanctum members, please contact  Kintec .

Settling, Harvesting, Occupation, and Sovereignty Policy

Mercator Sanctum vigerously defends it claim on lands within The Long White territory.  This is our ancestrial home although our members may hail from lands from all around Elgea.  We follow the 10 square rule.  We ask any player that wishes to form a city to be no closer than 10 squares.   Any closer than 10 squares/tiles and there must be a written agreement between the parties clearly marking the settlement coordiantes.   

There is to be no harvesting, occupation or sovereignty claims within 5 squares of a Mercator Sanctum city.  (Exceptions made if MS cities remain within a "new player ring".)   Mercator Sanctum will uphold our alliance right of harvesting for all resources within the 10 square radius of Mercator Sanctum alliance member cities.  Likewise we will honor request from others should a resource node be within their sphere of influence.  

All other harvesting areas outside a city's 10 square sphere of influence is considered fair game although occupied tiles should require some communication between players before aggressive actions are taken.    We do not believe that one person can perpetually occupy a resource node to "own it".   We request both sides to allow 36-48 hours period of  negotiations to occur before aggressively clearing a tile of an occupying force.    We believe this helps to prevent the "vacation sitting" of rare resource nodes while allowing valid claims of active players "working" the resources on a square.
