
Hawk Empire [Hawk]

Founded By:LuciusMagnus Founded On:05JAN15 03:17


Hawk Empire

The Hawk Empire is based in lower SE Broken Lands. We believe in equality. The alliance is a democracy where every citizen has a say. We're looking for new and active players who want to learn the game and enjoy playing as an equal. We feel the Broken Lands, which are less crowed than the rest of Illy provide better opportunities for new players and smaller alliances, away from where long time players and big alliances have already taken the best spots. Hawk is a regional power in the SE. Training will be in the form of direct mentoring and guides written by Hawk members or the Illyriad community. If you want to join or have any questions please contact LuciusMagnus.


Don't infringe on sovereign squares of others without first getting permission.

Avoid bumping other peoples harvesters in neutral territory.

If you need help ask. We provide resources and guidance.

If you have a problem with any other player contact the leadership.

