
The Roman Auxiliary [RAUX]

Founded By:hrndjt Founded On:24NOV14 23:32

RAUX resources and information (members only)

About The Roman Empire and the Roman Auxiliary

The Roman Auxiliary [RAUX] is a training alliance for the Roman Empire [RE]. Those who serve faithfully and learn well in the Auxilia will be awarded with graduation to full citizenship of Rome.

The Roman territory in Westmarch

The Roman Empire [RE] is a military alliance based in Westmarch in the Broken Lands. We believe in honour, equality, prevalence and loyalty. The alliance is led by a council consisting of three Consuls and three Senators.

We're looking for new and active players who want to learn the game and enjoy the fresh air, open space and dangerous animals that the Broken Lands have to offer. We feel that the Broken Lands, which are much newer than the rest of the map, provide better opportunities for new players and smaller alliances, away from where long time players and massive alliances rule (and have already taken the best spots). Rome is a regional power in Westmarch and surrounding areas.

Members of the Auxiliary will recieve both training and resources to assist in their growth. Resouces will be in the form of caravans of basic resources (wood, clay, iron, stone and food) as well as any other resources that are required. Training will be in the form of direct mentoring via alliance chat (AC) and in game message (IGM), training exercises and guides written by RAUX/RE members or the wider Illyriad community.

The Auxiliary isn’t a place to stay forever. Rather it’s a stepping stone towards full citizenship in the Roman Empire.

If you want to join or have any questions please contact hrndjt.


  1. Keep out of trouble:
  • No attacks, military or diplomatic, against any active players.
  • Don't put units (including harvesters) on sovereign squares without getting permission first.
  • Avoid bumping other peoples harvesters in neutral territory.
  • Don't be a jerk.
  1. Ask the alliance leadership before settling a new spot or moving your cities.
  2. If you go inactive for 21 days you'll be kicked.
  3. If you need help ask. We provide resources and guidance, but we can't help if we don't know that you need it.
  4. If you have a problem with any other player contact hran.