
Nesse and Odds [N.O]

Founded By:dittobite Founded On:21NOV14 01:10

Below is roughly the email I sent to the devs and have yet to hear a reply from.  I didn't know Nesse or Odds very well but I respected them as players and we as a community (including GMs) really need to look into what happend to their accounts.  I feel....well read below.


Hi GM Rikoo and other GMs which will read this,

I feel somewhat aghast at the devs actions towards Nesse/Odds. From reading what has taken place, it seems your case is that they received gold without sending IGM/talking to player who was sending it to them, and didn't respond to another's IGM on the subject.  If that makes someone guilty then you might as well ban me as well, since most of my Illy friends and I only communicate through skype and I seldom, if ever, send IGMs.   If one of my friends found a loophole that made 50,000 cows a second and sent me 700,000 cows, would I be banned too?  What if on skype I told him 'thanks for the cows' and never really questioned where he got them from?   Gold is even easier to transfer from player to player and I've frequently received huge sums from very SMALL players who set up shell accounts to fund vCrow money (so their real accounts would not be drawn into the last war), I never questioned where the money was coming from, just was thankful it came. 
I feel the game LOST A LOT of credibility after the devs took the "name and shame" stance of exposing the players who were banned.  You essentially went against your own policies of never disclosing peoples names and for what?  
Fear of some bad posts on the forums and random blogs?  
Don't you think that the actions you have just taken, showing all of illy you will ban accounts for nothing more than being associated or randomly connected with those who cheat, will ruin your reputation for fairness much further?
The only way I see for the devs to gain some credibility back is for them to say that this banning of accounts by association was something that was rushed in the haste to prevent further malfeasance, and that after further consideration you will reinstate the accounts of Nesse and Odd.   Both were great community members and brought a lot to Illy.  
That being said, I'm done supporting the game if Odds/Nesse are truely banned.  You have records of how much prestige each player has bought and know that over last 3 years I've supported the game with > $600 steadily.  I'm done if Nesse/Odds do not get reinstated unless further proof of his involvement, beyond accepting gold and not responding to IGM's, is not provided or explained.  
The damage caused by the developers "knee jerk" response to this incident is far reaching and will change the game and the players attitude about it forever.   
I highly suggest you re-examine how you handled this situation and give consideration to further evaluation of Nesse/Odds involvement.  Remembering that innocent until proven guilty is a tenet of our civilisation and that in this case its almost impossible to prove a lack of knowledge about something - if you didn't know about it how can you possibly prove you didn't???
Nobody would look down on your reinvestigation of the process, rather they will respect you for a calm re evaluation. 
Ditto, Rook of vCrow, Lone Member of N.O.
N.O Motto #1:   Always send a 'Thank you' IGM for any gifts you recieve or else banished may you be!  
N.O Motto #2:  Build roads, connect the world and add to the game to be richly rewarded by the makers!
N.O Motto #3:  Jumping very good, except to conclusions!
N.O Motto #4:  Digging in when wrong, is wrong!
N.O Motto #5:  Withdrawing a doing or action, can be worth it in the long run!