
Shu-Han [Han]

Founded By:Liu Bei Founded On:16AUG14 01:45


Shu-Han Empire


Axi Federation


About us


Shu Han, like all great empires was born out of a dissatisfaction, frustration and mistrust for the status quo. A rebellion, ignited from shattered hopes and dreams, given life anew. The mistakes of the past, the apathy, the pathetic posturing and displays of strength backed by weakness; these things have no presence here.


A fire burns hot in the heart of The Han, to build an army unmatched in the broken lands, an economy overflowing with the riches of perspicacious traders, a Grand Empire the likes of which have not been seen in the whole of Illyriad for an age.


Join with us, in The Broken Lands. cast away the chains of Elgea, a crowded land full of feeble elders collecting dust on their thrones. Do not be drawn in by bribery, do not sell your soul for a few free resources. Be part of a revolution, be a part of the foundations of the future! Contact Honorable Emperor Liu Bei to become a part of a Glorious Empire and leave your mark upon the annals of Illlyriad!



If you are interested on joining the Han , please contact the senior council.

All diplomatic matters should be brought to Senior Councilman Silvan 


Shu-Han Dynasty is a BL only alliance. All members will be expected to move their cities to the Broken Lands province Almenly. 





We are looking for players who are interested in learning the military and diplomacy aspects of the game.  We are always interested in new blood and training anyone who is willing to take advice. We are hardworking and intend on making our mark in illyriad.  If you are interested in joining our ranks and putting your mark on illyriad 


Contact any council member for an invite


Land Claim

As of June 12, 2015, The Kingdom of Shu-Han lays claim to the western half of Almenly. This land, which we have dubbed, Chengdu, serves as our homeland and base of operations.  All members of Shu-han are expected to settle primarily therein. We reserve the right to restrict access and remove players when we deem it necessary to do so.

Players residing within Chengdu who are unaffiliated with any alliance are recognized as Citizens of Shu-han and have the right to petition the Emperor for dispute resolution services, which include but are not limited to breaking hostile sieges and retaliating against offenders. If the Emperor is not reachable the Citizen may petition a member of the Senior Council for assistance. Citizens are not required to pay taxes and dispute resolution services are provided free of charge.

Members of alliances who are currently engaging in or previously engaged in aggressive military action against The Kingdom of Shu-han are not permitted to settle within Chengdu. Those who have settled therein prior to June 12, 2015 will be required to leave Han territory. The offending player will be removed by force should he or she not comply in a timely manner as defined by the Emperor on a case by case basis.

The Kingdom of Shu-Han has established on June 12, 2015 a Neutral Zone to the west of Chengdu. Claims within the Neutral Zone will not be recognized by Shu-han. Settlement restrictions or other demands on Shu-han members or citizens on the basis of an illigitimate claim made in the Neutral Zone will be ignored.

For further clairifaction about our land claim or to request permission to reside therein, please contact any member of the Senior Council.


Claim location coordinates


The natural norther an western borders of Almenly form the western and eastern border of Chengdu, beginning at -118|-2432 and stretching south to -118|-2700 and then west to the natural western border, forming the southern border of Chengdu.


Neutral zone location coordinates


Including the northern peninsula, following the natural eastern border of Almenly until x-100. The eastern border runs south to -100|-2759. The southern border of the Neutral zone then runs west to the natural western border of Almenly.



