
The Southern Cross [T-SC]

Founded By:Takeda Shingen Founded On:22JUN14 21:06

Effective May 04, 2015, All land in the following area is hearby claimed by The Southern Cross and our Confederated allies : South border of -2800, East border of 700 up to -2502, at which point it follows the Vindorel border up to -2253(Ocean), West border of 400 up to -2600, at which point it changes to 550 up to -2253(Ocean).  SEE MAP

Towns and cities settled or exodused into the aforementioned area prior to this date will not be affected by this policy.

Any newly settled or exodused cities not controlled by T-SC or our confederation members will be removed at our discretion. The Southern Cross will provide aide in the relocation of cities appearing in our area after the time of this claim.  If you believe you should be able to settle within our claimed area, please contact Takeda Shingen, J.Froelich, or mjc2.  Cases will be reviewed on a case by case basis.
We formed The Southern Cross to be The Order's kindred alliance in The Broken Lands.  We are an active group of players with the drive to forge our way through the new terrain with tenacity and honor.
The Southern Cross values teamwork and integrity.  We work together to assure our place in this new frontier.  
Our cadre is a group of seasoned veterans and intelligent new players with years of experience in Illyriad and other similar games.  We work well together, each doing his/her part and playing on individual strengths.
We encourage growth in our new players through knowledge and distribution of resources.  We have a wide range of experienced players in all aspects of the game who are willing and available to aide in any capacity.  
Our space is sacred, if you wish to harvest in our surroundings, first contact the nearest player for permissions.  We are understanding, but will brook no whining if harvesters are killed for being too close to our settlements.  We strive to resolve our differences, and expect respect in our dealings.   
For diplomatic inquiries please contact Takeda Shingen.
If you are in The Broken Lands and wish to be a part of our dynamic team, please contact any member of leadership.  
Only works if you are in the Dominion.
Only works if you are in the Dominion.
Only works if you are in the Dominion.
Only works if you are in the Dominion.
Only works if you are in the Dominion.
Only works if you are in the Dominion.
Only works if you are in the Dominion.
Only works if you are in the Dominion.
Only works if you are in the Dominion.
Only works if you are in the Dominion.
Only works if you are in the Dominion.
Only works if you are in the Dominion.