
The Kings [KINGS]

Founded By:King EAM Founded On:13MAY14 20:45

Some info:

         The Kings is an alliance founded by a group of long time friends who have a knack for strategic gaming and is composed of active, co-operative, and supportive players. We govern ourselves by a simple vote between the members of the Council of Kings along with a few votes from the general alliance. Our members are expected to be honorable and levelheaded towards all matters concerning themselves and/or others. Our most important values are wisdom, justice, and moderation and we wish to extend the appreciation of these values beyond the borders of our own alliance. We sincerly hope that no hostile conflict arises between any of our members and outside parties; however if such conflicts occur please contact the involved player(s) as well as the Spokesperson and the corresponding coordinator of The Kings.


         Although The Kings alliance was founded by a group of real world friends, we do accept others into the alliance. Applying members will be questioned and must meet a certain criteria prior to gaining entry to the alliance. To request an invitation please contact our Internal Affairs Coordinator:

  • King ACR


        All members of the alliance, no matter rank, are responsible to maintain a reasonable size military force (required size to be determined based on the size and focus of the player by the Military Coordinator). All members will be held responsible for hostile actions towards other players and punished accordingly. For queries please contact our Military Coordinators:

  • King Duck 
  • King Tank


        Diplomatic relations between The Kings and other alliances will be carefully and strategically chosen to help both parties. In the eyes of The Kings diplomatic agreements should remain public and unwritten agreements are discouraged but may be used as the need arises. The Kings follow the defacto 10 Square Rule and we will not intentionally violate other players' claimed space and ask for all other to do the same. Primary diplomatic relations are viewed as the following:

  • NAPs are, and are nothing more than, what the relationship simply is, a Non-Aggression-Pact where both parties agree to hold no hostilities towards the other involved party. Additions to the treaty may be negotiated beforehand with the Diplomatic Coordinator.
  • Confederations are, but are not confined to, a tightly woven agreement between both parties to assist the other in military conflicts that fufill the guidelines that are to be set up between both parties prior to the agreement. Additional support may be negotiated beforehand with the Diplomatic Coordinator.

If you wish to negotiate a NAP or Confederation please contact our Foreign Administrator:

  • King Argo


         If you have any grievances against The Kings alliance, or in the case that a conflict arises please contact all players involved, your own alliance's foreign affairs embassy (If you are in an alliance that has one), and the spokesperson for The Kings alliance who will discuss it with the corresponding council members and will try to negotiate a solution to the problem in which all parties are satisfied. The current Spokesperson is:

  • King EAM