
Infamy [Fam]

Founded By:Player 257234 Founded On:03MAY14 19:21



Infamy, the family.

We are Infamy, a family of traders and craftsmen. We are a peaceful alliance, and we would like to get together all races to bring the best crafted items available to all of Illyriad.


 Internally we work as a democracy. Climbing the internal rankings is easy and encouraged.


Relations to other alliances


As traders and crafters we are willing to have good relations with other alliances.

Getting NAPped with our neighbours is good way to avoid unnecessary conflicts with harvesting in the same area.

We are also open to negotiate confed relationships - and will respect the agreements we have done with other alliances.


We are military neutral, meaning we won’t take part in military conflicts of our NAPped/confed alliances.


As a trading alliance we are doing business with all players, regardless of location or alliance.


Please note that our diplomatic relationships with other alliances don’t bind hands of other alliances having diplomatic relationships with us.


Please contact to our diplomacy officer, Kojootti.




Our alliance history begin from the point when many players from ancient EA game "Lord of Ultima" landed here to Illy after LoU was closed.

As an alliance, we moved to Fellandire, BL - a neighbourhood that was to become our home. As time progressed, we gained more and more members from outside of Fellandire. Many of our former/original members joined more military minded alliances. Naturally, through the years, we developed good and warm relationships with other alliances based in Fellandire. However, this unfortunately let us be wrongly thought of as their trading alliance.

Due to the current situation regarding land claims in Illyriad, some of FAM members have had to move from their original location. However, despite being further afield, we all remain members of FAM.

Regardless of where we are, we will remain an alliance of hunters, crafters and traders. We will welcome new members to join us, regardless of their race or city location.



Our aim is to become a major player on Illyriad's markets and to have FUNN!!!™



We are currently recruiting.


If you are interested in exploring this game with us, or if you are a more experienced player willing to try something different, feel free to contact us. In Fam you are always welcome and we'll take good care of you. Climbing our ladder will eventually give you the opportunity to care for others.


As our main main focus is trading and crafting, there is no need to move to a certain area of Elgea or BL, instead we encourage our players to settle all around the world, as it gives us better opportunity to serve all potential customers in all parts of Illyriad world. We help you to find good spot for your cities wherever you are willing to settle.


For more information and requests for invitation, please contact RoundRobin.



Polite request:

Please honour the 5-square area around our cities to be our hunting & harvesting territory, and stay away from there without permission of the owner of the city.


Also, please locate your city at least 10 squares away from our cities so both cities involved can maintain that 5-square territory. Exceptions can be discussed on a case to case basis with the player involved


If you face hostile acts from one of our members, please contact the player involved and alliance leadership group and we will sort it out. Our primary goal will be to find a peaceful solution.



If you want to siege abandoned accounts still in Infamy, please contact alliance leadership.

