
The Retreat [Sisu]

Founded By:Ukkonen Founded On:17MAR14 12:10

The Retreat


The aim of this alliance is for its members to grow, flourish, form friendships, and act independently. We are a peaceful alliance and are willing to have NAP's with any alliance so wishing. Anyone wishing to join us is welcome as long as you continue in peace and play to help others. People who want to leave this war and not take part any longer are also welcome. The only requirement is that you take no further part in the war after joining us. We will accept anyone if they agree to the above.


We appreciate the SISU in people - An attitude in individuals that is explained below-

1. Endurance, resilience, tenacity, determination, perseverance

2. An inner reserve of diligence, capacity, the ability to face head-on and always overcome

3. Craziness: the recklessness that inspires a person to take on something in the face of incredible odds

4. Bravery, empowerment, inner strength

Each member is responsible for his or her own actions.

The idea is to help new players grow, learn, and prosper as well as offer settled players a place to rest, relax and meditate.

Each player has their own rules and way of playing and so if you have any problems with a player you need to address that player and not drag the whole alliance into it. Each player in the alliance can help another but it is again on a personal level and not alliance level.


Basic Rules We Follow:

1. Keep to your own area- Do not settle within 5 squares of another player and do not let other players settle within 5 squares of you (Unless arranged).

2. Do not harvest or hunt within 5 squares of another player and do not let other players harvest or hunt with 5 squares of you (Unless arranged).

3. Settle all disputes as an individual, but accept the fact that alliance members may flock to your aid.

4 Help new players grow and develop with no strings attached.
