
Æsir [Æsir]

Founded By:Taron Founded On:29MAY10 14:40


The Æsir are one of the oldest alliances in Illyria. We are Viking warriors who believe in the nine basic virtues of Viking life:  Courage ... Truth ... Honor ... Fidelity ... Discipline ... Hospitality ... Hard Work ... Self Reliance ... Perseverance


We are free beings who tell it as we see it, within and without our alliance.

Everyone has a voice and is free to state an opinion. Our leader's job is to give effect to our collective view.

We are honest - if we did it, we own it. Our members act openly with honesty and generosity, and we do not tolerate deceipt or spying among us or as a tactic to gain the upper hand. Therefore, if we take your account under our protection and you use it to spy or deceive, you will have wasted our time, attention, resources, protection, and friendship—we will treat it as espionage and pursue internal justice.

We are peaceful unless you attacked - if we bash your head, you needed it - but we'll stop occasionally to ask if you've had enough.

We do not tolerate bullies - we will support the bullied and attack the bullies.

We take sides against the aggressor - the aggressor is the one who attacked first.

We are loyal and true to our friends.

We respect others. We address others by their name. We speak character to character - we do not harass the individual behind the character.

We are good neighbours.

We do not kowtow to evil imperators - we are free and demand freedom for others.

We do not do 'black' propaganda or troll people.

We help others with resources, information and advice.

We do not give up.

We don't do appeasement - as Churchill said, an appeaser is someone who feeds the crocodile in the hope of being eaten last.

We choose to be the whitest of white knights because that is what is within us. 

Those who taunt us or disrespect us do not concern us - it speaks to their character, not ours. 

We are recruiting - we are interested in you if you accept the above principles and live in Western Elgea or live in Central Elgea and have some military capability. Contact any of our leadership (Godi+).

If your alliance shares our values, contact us for a confed.


For all matters of diplomacy, negotiations, NAPs, Confederations – Please contact Brent Antonius.


Folks interested in applying for recruitment – Please contact any member of Godi rank or higher. 


We tolerate hunting and harvesting 5 square or more from our cities, but will not tolerate military occupation of squares within 10 squares of us.


No one is allowed within 10 squares of an Aesir city, without our consent. If you have a spot that you want to move to that is near one of our towns, message all of our players within 10 squares and ask them if you can move there. 

Abandoned Towns

Towns of former members are considered property of AEsir.  If someone would like to negotiate for one then please contact a member of Godi rank or higher.
