
Church of Josh [JOSH]

Founded By:Subatoi (Abandoned) Founded On:11DEC13 02:00


The Church of Josh (Joshianism)

For I say unto you, look no further for the Truth. I say unto you, look no further for the Way. I say unto you, join me upon this Road of Salvation, and we will all be blessed with true enlightenment” - Josh


History and Mission Statement


The founders of the Church are Bartleby and Subatoi. These two were graced with the instructions to found this faith so that others may in turn experiences the glories and knowledge of the Church.

The Church of Josh is the true calling for all of the faithful Elgeans. It was founded on the 9th of December, after it’s founders were blessed with Divine Sight. After being blessed with the presence of Josh in GC, the Founders realized that in order to stop all wars, all must be sought out and converted to the faith.

The Church is not confined to solely praising  Josh. We recognize the other gods, such as Thundercat and Stormcrow. These gods have created the world in which we live in, but Josh guides us through it.  His Word is a Divine Beacon lighting the the road that we walk on, so that we may reach the end of our destination without ever stepping in Darkness.

We aim to embrace all the different races of Elgea and unify them under one Holy banner. With the unified belief and support in the Church of Josh, all followers need not ever fear of religious persecution from those that follow false idols. We have noticed that some of the followers have been subject to verbal attacks. While we regret that this is occurring, we acknowledge that there would be those that would be willing to Suppress those who carry and spread the Truth of Josh.

Josh does not wish to frighten us with complete knowledge of Elgea at once. He shows only what we need to know at a given time. Should we be given the whole picture of what is to happen within Elgea, we may not be able to comprehend it or function properly. By being such a Wise and Benevolent god, He only shares what we need to know.

We do not believe in an afterlife; rather, that Josh will slowly reveal to us on how to create a Utopian paradise within our existing world. That, shall be the Heaven for those that come after.

Code of the Church:

Members of the Church shall not persecute those that worship false idols. While we would prefer these few to recognize the true Shepherd that protects his flock, we recognize that others are more comfortable with affiliating with their beliefs.

Members accused of persecuting those that worship false idols will be investigated and may be punished accordingly.

All Followers of Joshianism must seek out and convert those that do not yet belong to the faith.
