
Ostia [Ostia]

Founded By:Jeantall Founded On:25JUN13 11:36





 Ostia is a mature military orientated alliance focused here in western Elgea. This alliance was created for mature players who want a focused and organized experience. As such I am very concerned with setting goals for the alliance to constantly approve as a whole.

Ostia Is looking for mature and focused players who want to enjoy an active alliance experience. Ostia has a 1k population limit on players joining unless they wish to be put on trial to see if they will have a steady growth. This is to prevent filling the alliance with inactive players that quit the game after a few days or week.  We also ask that you move your cities to the western side of the map. The final requirement is to agree to the rules of the charter that will be sent before invite.

                                                                                Harvesting and moving policy
Ostia follows the 5 square rule that most alliances follow and does not support anyone  poaching from within 5 squares of any city belonging to Ostia and vice versa unless prearranged by the players. We also do believe the right to hides goes to those who killed the npc's if the mob is away from cities. We also believe city's should be settled at least 10 squares away unless they wish to give up any sov rights they may have there to the city already built.

Ostia handles Diplomatic ties with each alliance differently and does more then simply add confeds and naps.  With each alliance there will be different terms that both alliance must agree to and abide by in order for Ostia to sign the confed or nap. These terms however, can vary from financial support to something as a simple as a nap for units not to kill each when harvesting away from their cities. However Confeds will only ever be given out to allies we wish to defend as our own and as such will not be given out easily .
