

Human Female
Human Female Character Portrait


is cuurently playing "clash of clans" on her android device, player name, alli, in the clan named gamers of illy, would be great to see you there!


I am Twinks

Alli Clark

dont mess with me, i got a JCB!



[31 Jan 23:28]<Goldy1> Twinkle, twinkle, little star How I wonder what you are Up above the world so high Like a diamond in the sky When the blazing sun is gone When he nothing shines upon Then you show your little light Twinkle, twinkle, all the night Then the traveler in the dark Thanks you for your tiny spark He could not see which way to go If you did not twinkle so In the dark blue sky you keep And often through my curtains peep  For you never shut your eye Till the sun is in the sky And as your bright and tiny spark Lights the traveler in the dark Though I know not what you are Twinkle, twinkle, little star Twinkle, twinkle, little star How I wonder what you are Up above the world so high Like a diamond in the sky Twinkle, twinkle, little star How I wonder what you are How I wonder what you are


19:09]<twilights> we channeled luna into a chipmonk, its been dancing nonstop since we did it


[09 Mar 19:23]<Twinklett> yeah! real life, whats that? hehehe

[09 Mar 19:24]<wink> i have to look in mirror to make sure ears are not pointy

[19 Feb 15:10]<Twinklett> just thinking, its a good job we dont have the "s" for silly, in our alliance ticker...

(the above refers to when our ticker was [HATS] LOL)








[19 Mar 17:08]<Twinklett> i just had the dilemma of, do i buy loo roll or cigarette papers?
[19 Mar 17:08]<Tessera> wow
[19 Mar 17:08]<Twinklett> dances with tess
[19 Mar 17:08]<Tessera> tough choice there
[19 Mar 17:08]<Twinklett> ya!
[19 Mar 17:09]<Twinklett> i went with loo roll, i may be able to make a smoke out of it, wouldnt fancy wiping my bum on a fag paper 

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