
Malek (Abandoned)

Dwarf Male
Dwarf Male Character Portrait

As the Warrior God looked upon Malek on his deathbed he asks "Are you prepared?" 

"As prepared as I can be when you show up at someones bed" Malek replies in his usual pleasant manner.

"You have had an interesting history in Ilyriad, Fought tooth and nail in the Bane/Nc war, commanded millions of troops in The Great War" The War God chided

"The Great War? It was fun and I was able to see the fall of that bastard Sir Bradly" Malek fired back.

"He is where you are going"

"Then I get to kill him myself this time"

"Any last requests before.... you know?"

"None, Robert the Bruce will probably siege me, probably give himself a war medal for it as well for a hard fought victory"

"Then it is time"


11:14]*Auraya sings 'Soft Malek, warm Malek, little ball of hate. Happy Malek, sleepy Malek, EX-TER-MIN-ATE!'

00:40]<ropadope> x is foreplay...xx is what you do with your is what you watch in films..xxxx is Malek

12:02]<Pongo.> Malek is on there 3 times GNU - one mean Dorf


[01:06]<Kilotov> kinda like north korea shooting missiles in space, but bane did it better



[01:04]<Kilotov> it's to knok on illy and say " hello, we bane, we got armies and skill"
