Orc Male
Not affiliated with an Alliance
[02:45]<Willd Lemon Grenade> I don't like fighting here anymore
[02:45]<TakeAChanceOnMe> its okay to be a villain just dont be mean
[02:45]<Zap> you dont have to willd
[02:45]<Willd Lemon Grenade>
[02:45]<Sheogorath> What TakeACrapOnMe said.
[02:46]<TakeAChanceOnMe> people have done war of walls too
[02:46]*Sheogorath waits for him to notice.
[02:47]<OPfouryearold> well I gtg now. cya
[02:47]<TakeAChanceOnMe> oh i noticed. just know ill remember
[02:47]<Sheogorath> I won't. You'll have to remind me.
[02:49]<Zap> I will remember