
Jasche came to Illyriad many years ago - a traveller from another continent, with a group of friends. Together they began to settle and slowly met other friends and allies. What started as simple exploration and fun turned into the creation of an alliance where the 'Welfare of the people were the highest law'. The people meaning friends, alliance members and allies. This alliance was Invictus.
As the alliance grew and its standing in the world grew so allegiances of friendship and peace were formed until there was an idea formed that maybe a coalition of peaceful, tournament focussed alliances could forge a path forward in Illyriad. This coalition - Consone - was the first of its kind and was not welcomed by all in the world. Those who felt that the power of the confederation was too great soon facilitated events which would result in one of the biggest wars Illyriad has ever seen.
As the voice and lead diplomat of Consone - Jasche was soundly defeated, the allegiances scattered to the four winds and Invictus nearly destroyed. Jasche passed into the West, never to be seen again, that was until a messenger reached out to the old alliance leader explaining that there maybe another chance to settle in the world again. Things had changed, and the time for an awakening was nigh. So Jasche returned - this time on his own - to the lands of Illyriad once again bringing his learning from his time in the west. And from this he set up a new alliance - Althing.