

Dwarf Male
Dwarf Male Character Portrait


GM Stormcrow> Put it this way, we're all living on borrowed time. The heat death of the Universe will swallow us all. At some point this server will reboot. Today. Tomorrow. I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain.


Taxes = City Population x 4 x Tax Rate (So a 25% tax rate = 1 gold - Illy stuff - Illyriad building chart

Illylriad Units
Stats Costs
Human Human
Orc Orc
Elf Elf
Dwarf Dwarf

                            Troop's cost, attack & defense Per Hour by Hiei

                                             Production at 20 Barracks

Race Troop



 Base Time




Defense p/h
Spear Bow Sword Cav
Human Militiamen 1 12.00 p/h 84 132 48 132 156
Pikemen 2   8.00 p/h 128 136 88 136 232
Swordsmen 2   9.35 p/h 205.7 121.55 93.5 140.5 130.9
Men-at-Arms 3   8.00 p/h 280 160 144 168 152
Archer 2   9.60 p/h 153.6 201.6 211.2 192 124.8
Longbowmen 3   6.00 p/h 144 198 192 192 120
Charioteer 3   5.14 p/h 190.18 77.1 82.24 102.8 107.94
Knights 4   4.50 p/h 292.5 90 85.5 126 126
Elf Protectors 1 11.61 p/h 69.66 127.71 46.44 116.1 150.93
Phalanxes 2   7.83 p/h 117.45 117.45 78.3 117.45 234.9
Wardens 2   9.11 p/h 191.31 127.54 109.32 127.54 127.54
Wardancers 3   8.00 p/h 264 152 152 160 160
Sentinels 2   9.60 p/h 192 220.8 230.4 220.8 152.6
Trueshots 3   6.00 p/h 192 216 216 204 150
Swiftsteeds 3   5.14 p/h 185.04 66.82 66.82 102.8 107.94
Marshals 4   4.50 p/h 265.5 85.5 81 121.5 126

Kobold Cohorts


19.46 p/h

175.14 233.52 116.76 233.52 225.98
Clan Guardsmen 2   8.09 p/h  153.71 145.62 88.99 145.62 266.97
Fangs 2 14.12 p/h 310.64 197.68 156.2 211.8 197.68
Fists 3   8.57 p/h   308.52 154.26 145.69 154.26 162.83
Clanguards 2   9.47 p/h 160.99 179.93 198.87 189.4 113.64
Death Dealers 3   6.00 p/h 156 186 180 180 120
Wolfriders 3   5.14 p/h 174.76 71.96 71.96 102.8 123.36
Death Packs 4   4.50 p/h 265.5 94.5 85.5 126 130.5
Dwarf Yeomen 1 10.59 p/h 74.13 127.08 42.36 137.67 137.67
Halbardiers 2 8.18 p/h 130.88 139.06 106.34 130.88 237.22
Axmen 2 9.23 p/h 267.67 129.22 101.53 156.91 129.22
Stalwarts 3 7.50 p/h 337.5 150 135 157.5 127.5
Slingers 2 9.23 p/h 138.45 193.83 203.06 184.6 119.99
Crossbowmen 3 6.00 p/h 156 192 186 180 126
Packsmen 3 5.14 p/h 164.48 77.1 77.1 51.4 118.22
Runeriders 4 4.50 p/h 256.5 94.5 90 117 130.5


                                               Terrain Combat Multipliers

Offense Defense
Terrain Spear Bow Sword Cav Terrain Spear Bow Sword Cav
Buildings 20% 5% 40% -50% Buildings 25% 15% 30% -45%
Plains -15% 0% 0% 30% Plains -15% 0% 0% 25%
Small Forest 10% -10% 30% -10% Small Forest 10% -10% 30% -10%
Large Forest 5% -20% 30% -15% Large Forest 5% -20% 25% -15%
Small Hill 0% 0% 0% 0% Small Hill 5% 5% 5% 0%
Large Hill 0% 10% 10% -15% Large Hill 10% 15% 5% -10%
Small Mountain 0% 10% 5% -20% Small Mountain 15% 15% 5% -15%
Large Mountain 0% 15% 15% -30% Large Mountain 20% 30% 5% -30%


Heroic Human Statue

Scribe-Name Location 1 Location 2 Scribe-Name Location 1 Location 2
Aldelbrecht -312|717 - Keldar 356|498 -
Asmorn -608|-189 - Lambercht -157|-298 -
Bjander-Thegn 910|-507 - Lindricht 471|228 -711|674
Braynard -102|1 949|-379 Oddric 232|345 -
Burkhardt 429|-931 - Osgaut 761|-892 -39|-973
Eberekt 516|505 - Raedborth -194|-687 -
Ferhonanth -485|-736 669|794 Regindalt 719|365 -
Fridholt 652|-265 -843|-310 Rikert 22|-85 -
Gunthar -4|10 - Tormand -569|-91 136|855
Haestin -377|-104 - Ulvelaik 399|-431 -

Send spies to all locations above and you will receive as reward a Scribe of Allembine for each spied location (6 Scribes require to spied 2 locations, do the first locations before the 2nd ones) .... Scribe of Allembine is a spy unit with low upkeep (2 gold p/h) but high defensive value (120) ..... When a town collect all 20 scribes, that town gain discovery Allembine Research Techniques, which grants +5 research points hourly per Library level. 


                                                             Par ardua ad Astra 





