

Elf Male
Not affiliated with an Alliance
Elf Male Character Portrait

NPC Encounter Group Sizes

Size Min Max
A Few 1 3
A Handful 4 8
Several 9 21
A Pack 22 81
Many 82 128
A Gathering 129 227
A Horde 228 462
A Throng 463 815
A Host 816 2,500
A Legion 2,501 9,999
A Myriad 10,000 24,999
A Sea 25,000 49,999
A Cornucopia 50,000+



Tracking Movement 

Stationary Unit = No arrows

1 arrow = 1-7 squares per hour

2 arrows = 8-16 squares per hour

3 arrows = 17-25 squares per hour

4 arrows = 26-41 squares per hour

5 arrows = 41+ squares per hour





Harvest up to 100 ea.

Need  Foraging Researched.

Cotter -w- Grape picking and/or Scavenging Researched


Harvest  1 ea.

Need Butchery Researched



Harvest 1ea.

Need Geology Researched



Harvest 1 ea.

Need Herbalism Researched






Building Pop at Level 20:
Architects Office  328
Chancery of Estates  449
Runemasters Grounding  898
Spies Hideout  898
Foreign Office  898
Geomancers Retreat  898
Assassins Abode  898
Sabatours Sancturary  898
Scouts Lookout  898
Blacksmith 1497
Book Binder 1497
Carpentry 1497
Common Ground 1497
Consulate 1497
Fletcher 1497
Forge 1497
Foundry 1497
Kiln 1497
Mage Tower 1497
Paddock 1497
Saddle Maker 1497
Siege Workshop 1497
Spearmaker 1497
Stonemason 1497
Tannery 1497
Tavern 1497
Herbalist Guild 1497
Miner Guild 1497
Skinner Guild 1497
Calvary Parade Grounds 1796
Archers Field 1796
InfantryQuarters 1796
Merchants Guild 1510
Trade Office 2000



Resource Upkeep at Lvl 20
Building Wood Clay Iron Stone
Archers' Field 2700   1100  
Assassins' Abode     3100 1900
Cavalry Parade Ground 1100 2700    
Foreign Office   400 800 1600
Geomancers' Retreat 700 2300   1500
Infantry Quarters     1100 2700
Runemasters' Grounding   900   1700
Saboteurs' Sanctuary 2700 1500    
Scouts' Lookout 700 1500    
Spearmen's Billets   2700 1100  
Spies Hideout 700 1100   1100
Thieves' Den 1700 1100 1700  
Trade Office 2800 690   1580
Chancery of Estates 800 3200   160













Requirements to Settle nth City
# Settlers Population
2nd 1 450
3rd 2 2,000
4th 3 5,000
5th 4 10,000
6th 5 20,000
7th 6 40,000
8th 7 75,000
9th 8 130,000
10th 9 233,550
11th 10 263,550
12th 11 294,550
13th 12 326,550
14th 13 359,550
15th 14 393,550
16th 15 428,550
17th 16 464,550
18th 17 501,550
19th 18 539,550
20th 19 578,550
21st 20 618,550
22nd 21 659,550
23rd 22 701,550
24th 23 744,550
25th 24 788,550
26th 25 833,550
27th 26 879,550
28th 27 926,550
29th 28 974,550
30th 29 1,023,550
31st 30 1,073,550
32nd 31 1,124,550
33rd 32 1,176,550
34th 33 1,229,550
35th 34 1,283,550
36th 35 1,338,550
37th 36 1,394,550
38th 37 1,451,550
39th 38 1,509,550
40th 39 1,568,550
41st 40 1,628,550
42nd 41 1,689,550


Military City Development

All Cities:
7 farms 259 pop
18 basic plots 666 pop
warehouse 370 pop
library 37 pop
magetower 1497 pop
market 37 pop
barracks 37 pop
consulate 1497 pop
common ground 1497 pop
paddock 1497 pop
wall 20 pop
flourmill 16 pop
arch office 328 pop(destroy when all others built)
storehouse 37 pop(optional, may destroy towards end)
14(16) empty plots 7430(7795 pop)

Cavalry City:
3 cav parade 5388 pop
carpentry 1497 pop
kiln 1497 pop
spearmaker 1497 pop
blacksmith 1497 pop
forge 1497 pop(elf does not need)
saddlemaker 1497 pop
9 plots, 14370 pop, 3300 wood, 8100 clay

Infantry City
3 Inf lodge 5388 pop
foundry 1497 pop
stonemason 1497 pop
blacksmith 1497 pop
forge 1497 pop(elf does not need)
7 plots, 11376 pop, 3300 iron, 8100 stone

Ranged City
3 arch field 5388 pop
carpentry 1497 pop
foundry 1497 pop
fletcher 1497 pop
tannery 1497 pop
7 plots, 11376 pop, 8100 wood, 3300 iron

Spear City
3 spear billets 5388 pop
kiln 1497 pop
foundry 1497 pop
spearmaker 1497 pop
blacksmith 1497 pop
tannery 1497 pop(forge for dwarf)
8 plots, 12873 pop, 8100 clay, 3300 iron

Additional buildings you want spread out:
brewery 20 pop(may want multiple, depends on how much beer you go through and if you can sov it or not)

trade office/merch guild(2 plots, only need 1 city with these buildings, and they do not need to be lvled that high, upkeep in wood, clay, stone)

2 geomancers(2 plots, upkeep 1400 wood, 4600 clay, 3000 stone; need one city with these for every 6-7 in a cluster, alliancemates can cover for each other and make sure you add resource increase buildings as needed)

you may also want to build a runemaster temporarily, a lvl 20 runemaster will double the effectiveness of your runes and you can demolish the building after you cast the spell and keep the effectiveness

Ancient Oak   
Berbane Leaves  
Brascan Seeds   
Brownback Moss  
Desert Flame  
Dyallom Gall  
Ebony Wood     
Furzion Seedpod  
Giant Palm Leaves    
Ironstem Root  
Larken Wood  
Lemonwood Bough  
Mabri Fruit    
Miner's Bane  
Pale Cedar Wood  
Queen's Hair Leaves   
Rahan Palm Wood  
Rockweed Root  
Snowbell Flowers  
Spidertree Leaves  
Suntree Haft   
Toadcap Fungus   
Vistrok Flower  
Warpwood Shoot  



Rare Herb Tile Locations  
Ancient Forest:  Ironstem Root, Brascan Seeds
Wooded Glade:  Larken Wood, Brascan Seeds, Queen's Hair, Furizion Seedpods, Sharproot
Blessed Oak: Ancient Oak
Thick Forest:  Larken Wood, Vistrok Flowers
Dense Forest:  Larken Wood, Brascan Seeds, Suntree Haft, Vistrok Flowers, Furizion Seedpods, Sharproot, Brownback Moss
Light Woods:  Larken Wood, Brascan Seeds, Brownback Moss, Vistrok Flowers, Sharproot, Queen's Hair
Wooded Land:  Larken Wood, Brascan Seeds, Brownback Moss, Vistrok Flowers, Sharproot
Forested Hilltop:   Larken Wood, Brascan Seeds, Suntree Haft, Furizion Seedpods, Silverthorn, Rockweed Root
Swamp, Mire, March, Bog:  Toadcap Fungus
Abandoned Mineshaft:  Miner's Bane
Light Tropical Cover:  Queen's Hair,  |Jungle| Giant Palm Leaves
Tropical Foliage:  Giant Palm Leaves
Tropical Hilltop:  Queen's Hair
Dense Foliage:  Giant Palm Leaves, Dyallom Gall
Rainforest:  Giant Palm Leaves, Queen's Hair, Furizion Seedpods, Dyallom Gall
Fisherman's Hut:  Ancient Oak
Abundant Clay, Exposed Clay, Turned Clay, Plains:  Warpwood Shoot
Oasis:  Rahan Palm Wood, Spidertree Leaves
Weeping Willow:  Queen's Hair
Palm Trees:  Rahan Palm Wood, Giant Palm Leaves, Ebony Wood
Dark Forest:  Brascan Seeds
Forbidden:  Ancient Oak

Sovereignity Squares

Sov Claim Times

Level I 12hrs
Level II 24hrs
Level III 48hrs
Level IV 72hrs
Level V 96hrs

Sov Res Costs

in Wood, Clay, Iron & Stone per Hour

Production Level I 150
Production Level II 300
Production Level III 600
Production Level IV 1200
Production Level V 2400


There are 4 Seasons in Illyriad, and they run as follows:

SPRING (March, April, May)
The time of renewal, growth and soil loosened by the rains.
+1%    +5%    +1%    +3%      +1%

SUMMER (June, July, August)
Early crops ripen, and workers prefer escaping the heat, underground.
none     +1%    +5%    +1%      +3%

AUTUMN (September, October, November)
The crops are harvested and the balmy weather pleases most everyone.
+3%     +3%    none    +5%      +5%

WINTER (December, January, February)
Workers collect firewood whilst the ground is frozen.
+5%     none    +3%    none      none

There are 8 Lunar Phases in Illyriad thoughout the 28-day Lunar month, as follows:

The supernatural is at lowest ebb, and the rational is triumphant.
+7%    none

The first stirrings of chaos begin anew.
+4%    +1%

Empiricism and the unnatural are balanced evenly.
+2%    +2%

The supernatural spools up to unleash its full potential.
none    +4%

Unutterable chaos takes full hold over the land.
none    +7%

Its force exhausted, the supernatural begins to recede as rationality fights back.
+1%    +4%

Evenly balanced but in swift retreat, the supernatural knows its time will come again.
+2%    +2%

Order is largely restored and the cycle begins afresh.
+4%    none




Level XP needed 43 18,070
1 10 44 18,930
2 30 45 19,810
3 70 46 20,710
4 130 47 21,630
5 210 48 22,570
6 310 49 23,530
7 430 50 24,510
8 570 51 25,510
9 730 52 26,530
10 910 53 27,570
11 1,110 54 28,630
12 1,330 55 29,710
13 1,570 56 30,810
14 1,830 57 31,930
15 2,110 58 33,070
16 2,410 59 34,230
17 2,730 60 35,410
18 3,070 61 36,610
19 3,430 62 37,830
20 3,810 63 39,070
21 4,210 64 40,330
22 4,630 65 41,610
23 5,070 66 42,910
24 5,530 67 44,230
25 6,010 68 45,570
26 6,510 69 46,930
27 7,030 70 48,310
28 7,570 71 49,710
29 8,130 72 51,130
30 8,710 73 52,570
31 9,310 74 54,050
32 9,930 75 55,600
33 10,570 76 57,250
34 11,230 77 59,050
35 11,910 78 61,050
36 12,610 79 63,250
37 13,330 80 65,650
38 14,070 81 68,250
39 14,830 82 71,050
40 15,610 83 74,050
41 16,410 84 77,250
42 17,230 85 80,650


