
Nearly Sociable

Human Male
Not affiliated with an Alliance
Human Male Character Portrait

If you like to play a rigged game full of restrictions and bottle necks then this is the game for you. If you pay, some of the restrictions go away, but the bottle necks remain. If you don't pay, you will never be completely flush.


Here are a few links/helps that I have found helpful. I cannot say they all still work but most of them should.                                                                   




A few other useful charts and links below for general use:  <----Distance claculator




NPC Encounter Group Sizes 


Size Min Max

A Few 1 3

A Handful 4 8

Several 9 21

A Pack 22 81

Many 82 128

A Gathering 129 227

A Horde 228 462

A Throng 463 815

A Host 816 2,500

A Legion 2,501 9,999

A Myriad 10,000 24,999

A Sea 25,000 49,999

A Cornucopia 50,000+  <----Distance claculator



        Caravans=  Gold, and all basic resources


        Cotters=    Herbs, Minerals, Grapes, Hides, Equipment


        Skinners=  Animal Parts, Elemental Salts


        Miner=      Rare Minerals


        Herbalist= Rare Herbs


  Terrain Modifiers for troops are below


Attacking Percentage Modifiers:


Terrain Type Cavalry Spears Infantry Ranged

Buildings -50 20 40 5

Large Forest -15 5 30 -20

Large Hill -15 0 10 10

Large Mountain -30 0 15 15

Plains 30 -15 0 0

Small Forest -10 10 30 -10

Small Hill 0 0 0 0

Small Mountain -20 0 5 10



Defending Percentage Modifiers:


Terrain Type Cavalry Spears Infantry Ranged

Buildings -45 25 30 15

Large Forest -15 5 25 -20

Large Hill -10 10 5 15

Large Mountain -30 20 5 30

Plains 25 -15 0 0

Small Forest -10 10 30 -10

Small Hill 0 5 5 5

Small Mountain -15



You will be asked to do an exodus to move your capital eventually, but you can't be sure what resource plots will be left after the exodus. You will for sure have 7 food plots, but one of your resources will have only 3, so I would only develop only 3 plots of each type of resource in your current town. If you have already started developing more than 3, just pick your 3 highest level plots and work exclusively on them, but only up to level 12.

Exodus causes all buildings to be downgraded to level 12, so be sure not to upgrade any buildings above level 12, except storehouse (level 15), warehouse (level 20), and farms if needed for food. You may want to build a flour mill when all your food plots are level 12. Once you have done exodus (and DO NOT DO THIS without advice from council or an executive), the limit of level 12 is removed.




This is another way to increase your basic resources, as well as food and gold.  For this you build up your marketplace and research everything you can under the Haggling section of Trade (except the Avoid Interception line for now) as soon as it becomes unlocked.  Then as you increase the number of vans you are allowed, always go to the Production screen in the marketplace and build them.  Also research the Cotters section but skip the Guilds research for now. 

Harvesting is done by examining the world map around your town and selecting a square that has a resource on it.  When you click on that square, you will be told the type of resource available.  You select Harvest Resources and then you are taken to a screen where you are asked how many vans or cotters you want to send.  While you are still young, you will not have many vans and they will have a low capacity, so you will probably want to send more than one.  Also, your travel speed will be low, so try to only harvest squares that are near your town.  If you are also doing tavern quests, be sure to keep enough vans home to deliver the items asked for.

Caveat:  Do not harvest from sov squares belonging to another player without permission.  This is considered very rude and can lead to conflict or even hostilities.  You can always tell these squares if you have Sovereignty checked on the Graphics bar in the map screen.  They are colored dots, and if you mouse over them you will see the sov level and owner in the info box on the right.  Also, do not harvest within 5 squares of any town, whether it is claimed as sov or not.  Those squares are assumed to be the property of the near town.  

Harvesting sov squares is not to be confused with “bumping” however.  Bumping happens when someone is already gathering at a square and someone else’s vans arrive to harvest the same square.  The original harvester is bumped and the new arrival begins harvesting the remaining resources.  You will receive a system message telling you this.  Usually bumping is accidental, and that is no real problem.  But sometimes someone who has been bumped will immediately send vans back to the spot and bump back.  It’s usually best to avoid these people if you can.  They will continue to be aggressive and think it is part of the fun of the game.  But please do not become one of them.  Again, this can cause conflicts and the alliance wants to avoid that.



When you first created your account, you were given some free prestige.  I highly recommend you do not use this for anything other than keeping your account active.  An active account gives you some nice benefits, though it is not actually required to play.  It is possible to do everything in Illy without ever using prestige, just slower and a bit more awkward. 

Free prestige is available to all players.  You may claim one prestige point every 24 hours by going to the Herald screen (3:00 satellite under the world map icon).  You can also claim resources here, which may be useful your first few days, but after that prestige is more valuable.  If you are playing without buying prestige, this can provide enough to keep your account active, or to allow for two "insta-builds" per week.

If you only plan to buy a little prestige now and then, I recommend that you use it only to upgrade buildings that take a long time to complete.  I use 10 hours as a breakpoint.  Anything less, I wait for a natural build.  And if you are going to use prestige to complete upgrades, make sure you have two long builds in the queue.  That will maximize your use of the pres points. 

If you buy a lot of prestige, use it where you like.  It is more economical to use it on building upgrades, but you may like it on van speed too.  When you double a van's speed, it is effective on both the outbound speed and the inbound speed.  And you may double it multiple times if you are really impatient.  Again, wait until all your vans have been sent out before prestiging, because it will work on all of them at once.  (BTW, there is no way to speed up diplos, troops or research.)

Prestige is also very useful when your storage capacity is high.  I can send you lots of resources (hundreds of K) and you can use prestige to speed them all up at once.  Then prestige the buildings you put in the queue and I can send more right away.  This technique is very useful for impatient rich people.


Always breed cows. This is a good habit to get into now as cows will be very important later in the game. You must first upgrade your common ground to level 1 (do this asap). Then keep a few cows in the queue whenever you have the spare resources. It may be impractical to do this while your storage capacity is tiny, but start as soon as you can. You can always ask me for extra wood and food to keep the queue full. Here's a trick: if you see that you have a shipment of res coming in and it has more wood or food than you can store, go into your common ground and queue the max cows possible to use up whatever wood and food that you can. That will leave you more room for your incoming res. Just be sure that you have positive food production at the time. It is no fun to run out of food.  Your town will start to self-destruct.


There is no need to start researching sovereignty till much later in the game, unless you have nothing else you can research. If so, do Landholding, Serfs and Socage. The first sov technology you will probably need is Threshing, followed by all the items in that line.


Do not attack or raid any nearby towns until they have been verified as inactive by council or executives.



You will want to create 5 commanders eventually. Start with 2 t1 cav commanders, then when you can 1 each t2 cav, t2 infantry and t2 ranged for now. You'll need Warcraft researched before you can have all 5 commanders. You probably will not have the research done for t2 troops, so create the t1 cav commanders when you can and concentrate on training them. You can make other t1 commanders sooner for early hunting, and as soon as you have researched Cavalry you can retire them if needed to make room for the t1 cav. The t1 cav commanders are needed asap to siege and capture cities.  Retired commanders can be resurrected later if wanted.  

You want to research the command skills of forced march, heroism, accelerated healing and vitality. Do not research any other command skills without getting advice from council or an executive. When leveling up your commander, take the forced march skill to level 10, then heroism, then vitality until they are both maxed out, then do accel. healing up to level 5. Then ask for more advice.  You may want to level up your special Divisional Bonus before accel. healing.  This varies by type of commander, so ask in chat for details. 

General advice on leveling up buildings

This is just a quick introduction for brand new players.  A more detailed tutorial is available below.  

You will need to keep a close eye on food, especially as you are building warehouse, tower, and consulate, among other things.  But do not build a flourmill till all five farms are level 12.  It is very important to never run out of food!  If you do, the system will start to demolish your buildings randomly until food balance is restored. 

Focus for now on farms and storehouse.  It’s very important to get storage capacity up as high as possible as quickly as possible.  Keep in touch with me about your storage capacity so I can keep you full of res.  Get food production up to +50 or +60/hr and keep it there or higher as you grow.

Research through Pioneering (City) now and build a settler right away in the Castle under the Settlers tab.  As soon as your storehouse is level 15, stop building it, research Inventory Management, and start building warehouse instead.  

Upgrade marketplace, barracks, tower and consulate when needed to unlock research.  Do not let your research queue sit idle.  Another good upgrade when you have nothing else to do is the common ground (always build cows – keep that queue full).  Another one is library.  

Do not work on basic res for now.  I will keep you full better than they can.  When/if you do get back to them, only work on 3 tiles of each:  wood, clay, iron and stone.  

Important:  do not take any buildings above level 12, except storehouse (lvl 15) and warehouse (lvl 20), and if you need to, farms. 

Instructions for early upgrades and research

This was written quite a while ago for another player and it may not be quite at your level, but you can probably get enough out of it to be helpful.  Also note that it was written for the player’s first town.  In that, you need to keep all buildings to level 12 or below, except the storehouse (level 15) and the warehouse (level 20).  You will lose higher levels when you Exodus.  But your second city does not have that restriction because it will be the town that Tenarils to its final location.  You can upgrade buildings as high as you like there.   (Recent note on Tenaril spell:  Some people like to save it until the future when it might be needed more.  It’s not actually a bad idea.  That means that all your towns will have the limit of level 12 on buildings.) 

Here are my suggestions.  No particular order unless noted.  Keep in mind that food and storehouse/warehouse are your priority, unless you have no more research unlocked.  Then do some consulate, mage tower, barracks or marketplace, or later on do whatever you need to unlock some research and then go back to storage.  


Farms:  always stay quite a bit ahead on these.  Highest priority.  You should have about 10% or more excess food at all times.  Do not build a flourmill until you have all farms built to at least level 12.  

Storehouse to level 15, research Inventory management, then warehouse only.  Highest priority after farms.  

Architect’s office:  I don’t find this very useful in the early stages of the game, but many people do.  If it is level 10 by the time you do your Pipeline (see way below), we can upgrade it to level 20 and it will be a big help.  

Basic res:  don’t work on these unless you have nothing else to do.    (In your second town, it’s ok to work on these some because in general most players supply their own second towns from their capital but keep busy with the other buildings mostly.)  Then choose only 3 plots of each type (lumberjack, clay pits, iron mines and quarries) and upgrade only those.  Let the other two (or more) plots of each type alone.  You will lose some of them when you exodus.  

Barracks, mage tower, consulate, marketplace should be about equal until level 9.  Then consulate takes a lower priority, (but start to build a few basic thieves, not advanced thieves – maybe about 50 to 100 – you will have to raise your taxes a few percent to support these and let me know if you need books).  Upgrade the above buildings to whatever level you need to be able to do the research I suggest below but remember to focus on food and storage most of the time.  

Common ground and maybe paddock can be upgraded if you have spare time/res.  

Library can also be upgraded when you have spare time/res.  Let it be a lower priority.  And do not start a bookbinder until your library is high enough to give you all the points you need to use for your research.  Books cost 25 points to make and only return 20 points each, so it’s a net loss to convert them back for research jobs.  A few books are useful for building diplos (like thieves) and casting spells (Seeking runes).    

It’s a good idea to build a blacksmith fairly early, but don’t spend much time on spearmaker, tannery, brewery and other adv res production buildings till much later.  And don’t build a vault.    


City:  Safeguard, Milling, Inventory management (this one is a priority once you get storehouse level 15.  Do not build any higher storehouse levels then, only warehouse).

Diplomacy:  to Interrogation and Theft, Master scouts, Messengers

Magic:  Runes to the Seeking line as far as you can go (a priority), Principia magica, Geomancy down the Nourishment line

Military:  to Spear mastery, to Occupy territory, to Infantry, to Ranged weapons mastery.  Cavalry as soon as you get barracks level 11. 

In Discipline: Forced March.  In Seasoning: Heroism, Accelerated Healing and Vitality.  No other command skills until you start making commanders, then ask.  And only make advanced commanders (when you can: spear, sword, bow and cavalry), except you should make two basic cavalry commanders.  Other tier 1 (basic) commanders will eventually need to be destroyed, so you might wait till you can make the advanced ones, or you could make some basic commanders to send small armies out to fight NPCs so you can gather hides now.    

Quest:  any

Trade:  any Haggling skills except Avoid Interception line, Cotters yes, Guilds no

Crafting:  none until you get advice

No sovereignty at this time unless you are totally out of other research to do.  Then follow the Landholding line through Feudalism, and do Serfs and Socage.  Threshing is a good line to do also.  


How do I move my towns?  

(Be sure to follow the last link in this to the magical-7-food-mountain.  It’s a really good overview.  One thing you should know though is that since it was written the devs have made an update allowing you to Tenaril any city, not just your capital.   

There are two ways to move a town.  One is called Tenaril’s Spell of Teleportation, or sometimes just Tenaril’s or teleporting.  The second is called Exodus.  

Tenaril’s is a relocation spell given to all new players.  It is designed to make it possible to move from the horrid spawn location we all get.  It is possible to use it immediately (but don’t). However, it is a one-time thing.  Once used, you can never use it again.  So, it is super important that you save it and use it right.  If you use it too soon, you will have growth problems.  You can fix that by Exodusing the city later, but you will have lost an opportunity for a prime mountain location forever.  You can read more about the Tenaril’s spell at

I cannot say this enough:     

Exodus is a fairly new feature.  The nice thing is that it can be used by any town with sufficient technology.  It requires a town to get to level 20 warehouse and then research Exodus (under City research) which takes 5 days.  You can read about Exodus at  Keep in mind that Exodus will cause all your high-level buildings, including storage, to be downgraded to level 12, so avoid building any higher than that.  

The most important difference between Tenaril’s and Exodus are that Tenaril’s takes the resource plot (wood, clay, iron, stone and food) distribution that you currently have to the new location.  Thus, if you Tenaril your first city, since you spawned with 5 food plots, you would arrive with 5 food plots.  But this is not enough.  You want to have 7 food plots in every town.  

Exodus, on the other hand, leaves behind the original plot distribution and takes on the distribution of the target square.  So, you will leave behind the 5 food plots and get 7 food plots (since of course we would only target squares with 7 food).  Getting 7 food plots means that you will have to give up 2 other resource plots.  Usually we choose a sheep square as the target.  This will give you 5 wood, 5 clay, 5 iron, and 7 food, but only 3 stone.  We like this because stone is not a very important resource.  Sometimes, for dwarves, we choose a haystacks square and give up a little clay instead (stone is more important to dwarves than clay if they plan on building a strong military because their Infantry Quarters takes a lot of stone to maintain), but we almost never want to choose a deer or striped field square.  Wood and iron are too important for all races.    

A simple explanation of the method of using the Exodus and Tenaril’s relocation strategy is covered in  More detail can be found in But after you have read these, do not consider yourself an expert.  You must still wait and talk to someone in leadership about where to move your capital and where to settle your second town.  









