

Elf Female
Not affiliated with an Alliance
Elf Female Character Portrait

"Intense gleam in her eyes" is what my parents saw, apparently - glîn+gaer(intensive/Sea)+il(female)or ril(brilliance) -

[@i=5|42]  The Summer Court [@i=5|43] > King Sigurd of Illyria

* A Court of Thorns and Roses (Book 1) “Who wants someone around who's so covered in thorns?” - Sarah J Maas

* A Court of Mist and Fury (Book 2) "Someone once did the same for me and mine at a time when we needed it most. Figure it's time to repay what's due."

(Faeries & High Fae adventure featuring legendary monsters, romance, fairy porn, courtly intrigues, riddles, trials, magic and epic battles)  * Analysis: basically it's Stockholm Syndrome, more than once even...and there's more issues, but it is strangely fascinating*

The Reading Hag reads A Court of Thorns and Roses 1

Rest of the series: A Court of Wings and Ruin /A Court of Frost and Starlight /A Court of Silver Flames (and an Illyrian(!) Blood Rite... and smut)

* Temple of Shakara is where an elf sorceress is appointed priestess after most magic seems to have disappeared from the world -  from Michael Peinkofers Sorcerers trilogy (Original in German, not available in English). He also has a humorous series about two    orcs Orc male smile, :)

* Coding wizard Tensmoors Illy support site and profile links <--


Motivational stuff from the web: Illyrian Blood Rite (in ACoSF, and ACoWaR & ACoFaS)

Illyrian Blood Rite, from the web
