

Orc Male
Not affiliated with an Alliance
Orc Male Character Portrait


NPC Label Group Size (approx)
Few 1-3
Handful 4-8
Several 9-21
Pack 22-81
Many 82-128
Gathering 129-227
Horde 228-462
Throng 463-815
Host 816-2,500
Legion 2,501-9,999
Myriad 10,000-24,999
Sea 25,000-49,999
Cornucopia 50,000-Inf


Terrain Combat Multipliers

Offense Defense
Terrain Spear Bow Sword Cav Terrain Spear Bow Sword Cav
Buildings 20% 5% 40% -50% Buildings 25% 15% 30% -45%
Plains -15% 0% 0% 30% Plains -15% 0% 0% 25%
Small Forest 10% -10% 30% -10% Small Forest 10% -10% 30% -10%
Large Forest 5% -20% 30% -15% Large Forest 5% -20% 25% -15%
Small Hill 0% 0% 0% 0% Small Hill 5% 5% 5% 0%
Large Hill 0% 10% 10% -15% Large Hill 10% 15% 5% -10%
Small Mountain 0% 10% 5% -20% Small Mountain 15% 15% 5% -15%
Large Mountain 0% 15% 15% -30% Large Mountain 20% 30% 5% -30%



Military Units are divided into two tiers (T1 and T2), each with their own attack, defense, and speed:

Orc Unit Attack Defense: Spear/Bow/Sword/Calavry Speed Base Cost (hourly)
 Kobold Cohorts 9 12 / 6 / 12 / 13 8 1
 Clan Guardsmen 19 18 / 11 / 18 / 33 6 2
 Fangs 22 14 / 11 / 15 / 14 7 2
 Fists 36 18 / 17 / 18 / 19 5 3
 Clanguards 17 19 / 21 / 20 / 12 9 2
Death Dealers 26 31 / 30 / 30 / 20 7 3
Wolfriders 34 14 / 14 / 20 / 24 17 3
 Death Packs 59 21 / 19 / 28 / 29 12 4

Orc Siege Units:  

 Scrawny Wolves are a reward from Tavern Quests

Dwarf Military Units
Yeoman Halbardier Slinger Crossbowman
Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 1 Tier 2
Spear Unit Spear Unit Ranged Unit   Ranged Unit
Axman Stalwart Packsman Runerider
Tier 1 Tier 1  Tier 1  Tier 2
Infantry Infantry Calvary Calvary


Elf Military Units
Protector Phalanx Sentinel Elven Trueshot
Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 1  Tier 2
Spear Unit Spear Unit Ranged Ranged
Warden Wardancer Swiftsteed Marshall
Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 1 Tier 2
Infantry Infantry Calvary Calvary


Human Military Units
Militiaman Pikeman Archer Longbowman
Tier 1 Tier 2  Tier 1 Tier 2
Spear Unit Spear Unit Ranged Ranged
Swordsman Man-At-Arms Charioteer Knight
Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 1 Tier 2
Infantry Infantry Calvary Calvary

Other Races Siege Units:   |   |  


More Information : Armies In Illyriad | Races Troop Guide | Troop Attack & Defense p/h Stats

Each unit (besides siege engines) can be made into a Commander, which can be upgraded through leveling (via experience points). These upgrades can have a wide variety of effects, depending on which skills have been leveled. Detailed information on Commanders can be found : Commanders, Everything You Need to Know andCommander Upgrades

In addition to the stats of the unit itself, equipment can be used to modify unit attributes such as attack, defense, and speed. Often these modifiers are determined by the type of terrain which is being fought upon, as well as whether the unit itself is attacking or defending.




Brief Explanation of Each Diplomatic Unit:

Scouts  ||   ||   ||  

T1- Report information on the military units (types and quantities, including beasts) currently occupying a city, military camp, or NPC square. They also report any resources available for harvesting on NPC tiles, and any caravans already harvesting resources.

T2- In addition to the reporting that basic scouts do, advanced scouts also report on a city's current military activities elsewhere.

Spies:   ||   ||   ||   Reward Unit from Allembine Questline

T1- Report information on the current structures and their levels in a target city, as well as any resources present.

T2- Report information on the current structures and their levels in a target city, any ongoing construction, and any ongoing research as well as any resources present.

Thieves  ||   ||   ||  

T1: Can steal basic resources (Wood, Iron, Clay, Stone & Food), Books and Beer.

T2: Units can steal everything the Basic thief units can, plus Gold, Swords, Spears, Bows, Saddles, Leather Armour, Chainmail and Platesteel.


Thief Units


Race Unit Capacity Speed
Dwarf Footpad 57 14
Halfling 60 16
Elf Rogue 50 19
Dark Elf 54 25
Human Burglar 59 15
Master Thief 64 22
Orc Goblin Cutpurse 71 17
Plunderer 76 20

Saboteurs  ||   ||   ||  

T1: Will destroy progress on one building upgrade currently being constructed, canceling the upgrade. The city being sabotaged will be refunded up to 80% of the upgrade cost (80% minus the percent of upgrade progress that had been achieved).

T2: Have a chance to sabotage a second construction project and will also delay ongoing research in the same mission. Research can be delayed to at most twice the original research time required.

Assassins:   ||   ||   ||  

T1: Will cause damage to the health of a single enemy commander.

T2: Cause substantially more damage to the enemy commander than the basic unit, and have a chance of poisoning multiple commanders on the same mission.


 Used to recall an encamped army or harvesters.
